stalker pt 3

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You struggled when she took your clothes off you.

You struggled when she hit you with the whip over and over again.

You struggled when she called you a slut over and over again.

You would struggle every minute you were in here.

It had been maybe a day, you figured, since she'd taken you. But you knew the team would come save you. Spencer would come save you.

She left for about nine hours at one point, and your internal clock told you it was morning when she left. Figuring in that she worked at the FBI, at a 9 to 5 desk job, that leaves an hour for driving there and back. She lives within a 30-minute radius of the FBI building. But that's if you were even being kept in her house. For all you knew, you could be in some abandoned warehouse hours from the city.

Thankfully, before she left for work, she at least put your clothes back on you. So she didn't have to see your whorish body anymore, she said. Your hours of dull solitude didn't last nearly long enough, she was back as your stomach rumbled for dinner.

To your surprise, when her heels clicked over to you this time, they didn't come accompanied with a painful slash from the whip. In fact, her fingers gracefully went behind your head to untie your blindfold.

The face that met yours wasn't quite what you expected. "Julie, from cybercrime?"

"So you do remember me?" Her lip curled into a grin as she started unbuttoning your shirt.

"Of course, you helped with a case last year. Even Garcia was impressed at your computer skills."

"Was Spency impressed?" Julie's eyes flashed up at yours, and you gulped as she spread open your shirt.

"Of course he was."

She looked hopefully at you for a moment before changing the subject. "Do you see these wounds, across your chest?"

"No, but I sure as hell feel them!" You snapped, and immediately regretted it as she stuck her finger into one of them.

A scream was diffused by you clamping your jaw shut. "Feel this, skank?"

You refused to let her get the best of you. "It kinda tickles, actually."

She poured something that felt like lemon juice onto then, and this time you let out a gutteral screech against the pain.

BAU - 3rd person POV

"Spencer!" Y/N's yelps came through the speakers as the team watched the second video her captor had sent. Garcia's email tracking was going nowhere, but at least they knew she was still alive.

"Spencer will never want you, don't you understand it?" The kidnapper yelled back at her, sticking a finger into a different cut.

Y/N twisted her head away from the woman, squeezing her eyes shut. "Look at you!" The woman jerked her head back, forcing Y/N to look at all the wounds. "Those are gonna scar and you'll finally look like the hideous whore you are! Nobody will want you, for the rest of your life. Especially not my Spency."

Spencer felt tears fill his eyes as his friend sucked her breath in and cried. The kidnapper stood up, looking down at her with disdain as if she had won.

"You're right. Your Spency would never want me." Y/N's voice changed from resigned to scalding and determined. "But my Spencer Reid is the most caring, accepting man I've ever met. And he would love me no matter how bad you hurt my skin. Because he loves with his heart, not his eyes. Something you will never understand in your life, bitch!"

Spencer's eyes widened as you spit at her feet, and she angrily kicked you with her high heel before shutting off the camera. Silent tears rolled down his face as he turned to see the team crying as well. A thought dawned on him suddenly.

"I know who has her." He scrambled out of his seat, grabbing his badge and gun.

The team rushed after him. "Who, Reid?" Hotch followed him to the motor pool while the others got vests and equipment.

"Julie Verness, from cybercrime. When we consulted with her, Y/N said she loved with her eyes, not her heart." Spencer looked at his boss pleadingly. "And the heels, Julie started wearing those immediately after we first met."

"Very well, I'll have Garcia send us her address."

Spencer hopped into the SUV, ready to go save Y/N, the woman he loved with all of his heart.

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