undercover married pt 3

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The night was over too quickly, and you made sure John knew you and Spencer were going back to your room. "I think I've enough partying for the night, Y/N." Your fake husband announced loudly, his arm around your shoulders.

"Me too Spence." You smiled up at him, in your own little world.

"It was good seeing you again, Spencer." His professor said his goodbyes to him as Lorraine gave you one final hug.

She pulled you in tightly. "I'm so happy Spencer's found someone. He's a brilliant boy, always has been. You two are made for each other."

You felt tears forming in your eyes at her words. Everyone said so, but soon this blissful reality would be over. You'd stop being Mrs. Reid and just be Y/N Y/L/N, Reid's coworker. "Thank you, Lorraine. It was so wonderful meeting you."

Spencer waved goodbye to John, who was lurking by the elevator. "You going up?" He asked as his old classmate followed you two into the elevator.

"Yeah. Sixteenth floor." The older man grumbled.

"Wow, us too!" You feigned cheerfully, pressing into Spencer's side as John fiddled with something in his jacket pocket.

Then, you remembered the killer wouldn't act unless you two were absolutely disgusting with your affection. In a swift movement, you grabbed Spencer's butt, and he made a noise, then realized what you were planning. "Y/N, wait till we're in our room." He whispered not-so-quietly, taking the hand that was on his butt, off, and lacing his fingers through yours.

"Fine." You pouted, content with nuzzling your face into his neck.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Y/N."

"You're the second best thing that's happened to me, Spence."

"Oh?" He scoffed. "What's the first?"

"Satchmo, of course."

Spencer couldn't help but laugh, realizing who you were talking about. "Right, our dog. How could I forget about him?"

John didn't seem aggravated enough yet as the elevator reached the sixth floor. You formulated a last ditch idea. "How would you feel if Satchmo got a sibling?"

"Y/N, we can't adopt another puppy, our apartment doesn't have enough room." Your friend looked at you curiously.

"How about a human sibling instead?" You bit your lip nervously, taking the hand that was in yours and placing it on your stomach.



He peppered your face everywhere with kisses, nearly jumping up and down with glee. "This is great, sweetheart! I'm gonna be a dad! John, did you hear?" Spencer asked his old buddy, who was rubbing his face, visibly annoyed.

"You're going to be the best dad." You assured him, keeping one eye on John.

"How does this happen?" The shorter man yelled out, startling you from your happy state.

"Beg your pardon?"

Lamore suddenly whipped a gun out of his pocket pointing it between the two of you. "How does nerdy, lame, kid genius get a job at the FBI, a smoking hot wife, dog, and is soon to be a dad? How does he get fucking everything he's ever wanted in life while I'm a teachers assistant living in a rundown apartment and paying child support with no visitation rights? Hm? How the fuck does that happen?"

You opened your mouth to say something, but the man stopped you, waving you over to him. "Get over here."

Spencer tried to keep you protected behind him, but you squirmed your way out. John pulled you towards him, pressing the gun into your back. "If you want your wife and the kid to live, you'll do as I say." He threatened Spencer.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" Your coworker said gently as the elevator dinged, signalling we were at our floor.

"Take me to your room. When we get in there, you're going to tie your wife up, then you're gonna beat her anywhere you want. After that's done, you'll have the choice of either killing her or yourself. Spare her, and I'll have my way with her before killing you both. Kill her, and I'll let you suffer with what you've done before finally giving mercy and ending your life."

If those were the terms, that explains how the MOs were different in a couple cases. In some, the wife was raped, in others, she was killed before the husband. "You won't get away with this, Lamore." Spencer threatened, slowly walking out of the elevator.

"I already have, six times in three different states." The killer explained as Spencer slowly fished his key card out of his wallet. "Men who don't appreciate what they've been given, women who are too happy to let their husbands control their lives."

During his speech, he had dropped his guard, and at his last statement, you snapped. Flipping him over your back, you thrust your full weight to slamming him on the ground as Spencer grabbed his gun. You kicked him in the face with your heel. "No man will ever control my life."

The door opened just then, Aaron and Derek ready with their guns drawn. "And I love and appreciate Y/N so much more than you could ever imagine." Spencer added, glaring at him as your boss hauled the unsub to his feet.

While he was read his rights, you felt the adrenaline wear off and the full force of Spencer's words sunk in. Looking over to him, you gestured for him to follow you. "So its over." You observed Lamore being cuffed.

"Yeah, young wealthy married couples can rest easy now." He joked, staring down at his shoes awkwardly. "I just realized something, Y/N/N."

"What, Spence?"

"We never actually kissed tonight."

You looked up to see him smiling at you. "Well, we're still technically married aren't we?" Wiggling your occupied ring finger, you smirked back.

"May I kiss the bride?" He brought you in close to him.

"Yes." You answered, pulling his face down to yours to connect your lips. Spencer's lips moved in synch with yours, and you only stopped because someone had cleared their throat.

"You guys are really gonna make out at a crime scene?" Rossi was standing there, not surprised at the kiss itself, just the location.

"Maybe they're into that, Dave." Morgan said suggestively, to which you groaned.

"Thanks guys."

They both left, chuckling to themselves as you stared deeply into Spencer's chocolate eyes. "Was it all true? What you said?"

"Yes, when you got kidnapped I finally realized how much I loved you. I just never found the right time to tell you."

You grinned. "Same goes for me, everything I said was true."

He looked down at your stomach, and you laughed. "Minus the whole 'surprise, I'm pregnant' part, that was a lie. I needed to provoke John."

"Whew, because the team would've had so many questions about that."

"More than they already do?" You motioned over to your friends whispering in a huddle.

He laughed, pressing another kiss to your lips. "So what should we tell them?"

"We're not married, and I'm not your baby momma?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

You gave him one more kiss before leading him over to the team. Finally, you were with the love of your life, and not another moment would go by where he didn't know you loved him.

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