stalker pt 4

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You had been taken on a Thursday, and she already went to work once, so you figured it was Saturday now. Spencer and you had planned to spend your day off together, probably with a Star Trek marathon at his place, he had all of the series and movies. But that wouldn't happen now. You scolded yourself for thinking negatively, he would be coming for you, you'd be okay.

Even though you attempted to be optimistic, it was hard when over 40% of kidnapped adults are killed and the profile for Julie said that she'd kill anybody in her way, especially someone she saw as competition. So you were just holding onto the hope that you wouldn't become of those statistics and that Spencer would find you. Surely Spencer would find you.

The heels clicked down the steps again, and you lazily looked over to see Julie in an awful navy blue pantsuit. She hadn't bothered to put the blindfold back on you, you had already seen her face. So you knew you definitely wouldn't get out alive. As Julie neared you, whip in hand, you had the strangest urge to joke about kinkshaming. You held your tongue and she studied you up and down before pulling out her phone.

"How to... make scars... worse." She mumbled as she typed in the Google search.

"You kidding me?" You laughed, not paying attention to the cold floor that gave you goosebumps along your bare skin. Once again, she had undressed you for another round of torture. "Very professional torturer."

The woman snapped the whip in your direction, clearly telling you to shut up, but instead you threw caution and will to survive out the window. "Seriously? You didn't look this up before capturing me? It would've taken like, two seconds, and you'd look so much more professional. Honestly, 3/5 stars, sadistic stalker turned kidnapper wasn't prepared enough and was just very unprofessional when dealing with my torture. Would not recommend to a friend."

Julie looked at you incredulously in response to your mocking Yelp review, fury starting to build on her face. "How's this for professional?" She screamed, and you felt the whip strike against your hip, making an X in conjunction with another cut. She repeated this action, opening up one of the very first wounds she gave you.

You hissed, feeling the scab being ripped off, left hanging by just a little skin. Julie wasn't done though, raising the whip again. Before it could impact you, her phone dinged, and she stopped to check it. Apparently her Google query had finally loaded. "Ah! Okay, here we go. Not treating it. Check. Patient is a smoker." She looked up at you, and you shook your head, you didn't smoke. "Alright, uhm age, no, you're not pathetically old. Aha! Sun exposure!"

Looking at her with an eyebrow raised, you observed her walk over to the only window in the crusty place. She pulled over a stepstool to wipe the dust off and fully open it, humming to herself. You looked out the window, it was the first time you had seen grass in a while. But instead of grass, there were several pairs of feet and legs. Julie leapt back from the window, obviously hoping they hadn't seen her, but they had.

"Julie Verness, come out with your hands up!" Hotch ordered, his stern voice floating down the hole.

Your kidnapper didn't answer, instead closing the window back up and running to lock the door to the basement. She went rifling through a cabinet and pulled out a gun, making her way over to you. Footsteps thundering above alerted you to the team clearing the house as Julie untied you from the post to get you in chokehold. In your weakened state, you couldn't fight back as she held the gun to your head, using your naked body as a shield.

You could hear people outside the door, and soon enough someone had kicked it down. You assumed it to be Morgan, it was his area of expertise. The team flooded in, SWAT guys behind them for backup Your heart fluttered as you saw Spencer, his face stony as he stared down your torturer. He looked about ready to come rip Julie apart, but Hotch stopped him with a single hand, taking the lead in negotiating. "Julie, let Y/N go, and this will all be over."

"No it won't, I'll be in jail, far away from my Spency." She spit, digging the gun even further into your temple that was already pounding from your headache. Your slight whimper at the pain drew everyone's attention to you, and you suddenly felt self-conscious at the fact that you were naked in front of your entire team.

Spencer cleared his throat, stepping forward and slowly putting his gun down. "Julie, listen to me. Put the gun down and let Y/N go, and we can be together."


"Yes, you just need to let her go."

"Let the whore go?" You felt her grip on you loosening as she considered his offer.

Spencer's jaw clenched at her calling you that, but he nodded anyway. "Yes, come on."

She released you and threw the gun to the side, walking towards him in almost a trance. Nobody moved except you, unsure of what she was going to do, but you wanted to be armed, and picked up her forgotten gun. Spencer slowly reached for his handcuffs, and she seemed to see this, her demeanor changing. Before she was able to attack him, you had hit her across the back of the head with the butt of her gun. "Payback is a bitch, isn't it, bitch?" You smirked as her body crumpled to the ground.

Morgan came over to take the gun out of your grasp to put it into evidence, and you willingly gave it up, opting instead to throw your arms around Spencer in relief. He hugged you back tightly as the CSI guys started filtering in to secure the crime scene. "Y/N." He whispered in your ear. "Do you want my jacket or something?"

You realized you were still naked in front of dozens of people, and quickly nodded, blush spreading like wildfire across your face. His FBI-issued jacket was warm and so long that it went down to your knees, covering up everything. "Thank you." You mumbled, taking his hand in yours. "For everything."

He smiled down at your entwined fingers. "Let's get those wounds looked at, hm?"

"Before we do anything else." You pulled him back towards you, getting on your tiptoes to press your lips onto his. Spencer kissed back sweetly, hands resting gently on your hips as to not aggravate your wounds, but you still whimpered at the stinging sensation.

"Sorry, sorry." He mumbled, pulling back, but you shook your head against his apologies

"It's fine, Spencer." You let him lead you up to waiting ambulance. "After this, can we finally do that Star Trek marathon?"

"Anything you want, Y/N."

"I love you."

"I love you too, with all my heart."

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