crossing jordan au crossover

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((so this is part of a little mini-series of just crossovers of criminal minds with some of my other favorite crime shows bc why the fuck not. might not be too much y/n x spencer moments in them, sorry))

"New case in Boston, team." Hotch announced as everyone was piled into the briefing room. "Three dead prostitutes with different appearances and causes of death."

"So why are we being called in?" Morgan asked, and you had to agree, the only connection was their occupation.

"They all had their ears removed postmortem."

"Okay that's weird."

On the plane to Boston, you were sitting beside your boyfriend, Spencer, as he versed himself in chess and you familiarized yourself with the case. "Jordan Cavanaugh." You mumbled to yourself as her name popped up in the case file.

"ME assigned to the case." Spencer informed you, he had already had time to memorize all the details.

"I know, Spence. It's just that I'm pretty sure I went to pre-med with her. Wonder if she'll remember me."

"Clearly you remember her."

"Hard to forget a woman like Jordan." You smiled to yourself, fondly remembering some of your experiences with her in college.

The plane soon touched down, and Hotch split up the team. You were sent to the morgue, JJ and Rossi were sent to the first crime scene, Emily and Morgan to the second, and Hotch went to the latest scene with Spencer. After you were done inspecting the bodies at the morgue, you were to set up in police headquarters with Garcia. You rode up in the elevator with a man who introduced himself to you as Detective Woody Hoyt.

"Nice to meet you Detective Hoyt, I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N with the BAU, we got invited in on the 'prostitutes with missing ears' case." You shook his hand, and he immediately seemed familiar with it.

"I'm the lead detective on it. Is it just you here, or?"

"My team are spread out at the various crime scenes, I was sent to the morgue to view the bodies and speak with the ME."

"Oh, you're going to have a great time with Jordan. She's a real peach."

You raised and eyebrow at his sarcastic tone as the elevator doors opened to the morgue. "See you around, Agent Y/L/N." He departed to an office at the end of the hall as you went up to the front desk. NObody was there, but a young woman spotted you and ran over.

"Hi! I'm Lily Lebowski! Are you here to see someone?" She asked, and you observed the colorful attire she wore.

You pulled out your badge. "I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N, here to see Jordan Cavanaugh about the dead prostitutes."

"Of course, she's in the crypt with them right now."

You thanked the woman and let an assistant suit you up in the proper garbs to examine the bodies. "Jordan Cavanaugh?" You asked the dark-haired woman already in there cautiously.

"Yes, may I help you?" She looked up from the dead blonde woman to hand you one of her ears. "Are you one of the FBI agents?"

"SSA Y/N Y/L/N, I would pull out my credentials but, uh." You referenced the disembodied ear you were currently holding. "I thought the unsub took the ears as trophies, where'd you get this?"

"Found it when I ran her bowels. This is our first victim, Jennine Carig. Wait, did you say Y/N Y/L/N?"


"As in the Y/N Y/L/N I was roommates with in pre-med?"

"So it is you, Jordan!" You confirmed excitedly, about to hug her. But then you remembered the ear in your hands.

She took the ear from you and put it back in the preserving jar she had. "Let's save the catching up for after we catch this guy."

"Of course."

In the process of solving the case, you had to go undercover as a prostitute, nearly get kidnapped, Jordan crossed Hotch about a dozen times, and you barely had any time to talk to Spencer. For your final night in Boston, your team went out for drinks at Jordan's dad's bar with Lily, Garret, Bug, Nigel, Jordan, and Woody. You were smushed in between Spencer and Jordan in a booth while Jordan was trying to set up a drinking competition with Morgan.

Spencer's hand found yours under the table, and he intertwined his fingers with yours. "Whatcha doing, Spencer?" You turned your head to whisper to him.

"Can't I hold my girlfriend's hand?" He whispered back to you.

"Of course you can, Pretty Boy, but I expect a kiss too."

And he delivered, placing a perfectly sweet kiss on your lips. "Love you." Spence murmured.

"Oh that's disgustingly cute!" Bug yelled before you could say 'I love you too'.

"Let young love be, Bug." Nigel nudged him, and you couldn't help but laugh with your new friends.

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