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The worst part about having a case in Alaska was the cold.

The best part about having a case in Alaska was the night sky.

The team had finished the case in the late evening, and decided to leave for Quantico in the morning. You knew you should get some sleep, but you just tossed around restlessly in your bed. Making a snap decision, you bundled up in all the layers you brought, grabbed your comforter and pillow, and padded downstairs. Somebody was already down there, sitting in a chair by the fire reading.

"Couldn't sleep either, eh?" You asked Spencer Reid, your coworker.

He looked up from his book, pushing the hair that had fallen in his face out of the way. "They have the complete collection of Sherlock Holmes!"

"Well, when you're done with it, you can join me for some stargazing if you want."

"Sure, I'll be out in about six minutes."

You were about to say something, but remembered that he read at 20,000 words per minute, and immediately closed your mouth. He had already returned to his book, so you exited the small inn the team was staying at. Laying a blanket down on the ground, you fluffed the area around you with pillows, and for the finishing touch, rolled yourself up in your comforter.

The cold still managed to seep in, but you paid it no attention as you gazed up at the night sky, brilliantly lit by millions of stars. You hadn't even noticed the six minutes were up until the grass near you crunched under Spencer's feet.

"You look comfy." He commented, a smile on his face.

"Trust me, I am." You begrudgingly unwrapped yourself so that Spencer could lay down beside you under the blanket.

As he settled down, he kept his polite distance from you, and immediately began spouting out facts. "You know, all of these stars are in the sky where we live too, but because of the light pollution from cities, only a small fraction of the stars are actually visible to the naked eye."

"Actually I did know that." You felt proud for a moment, before a shiver overtook your jaw.

"Are you cold, Y/N?" Spencer asked, placing a hand on your arm under the blanket.

"Good god you're warm!" You exclaimed, scooting closer to him. "Like a human space heater!"

In a sudden burst of confidence, Spencer pulled you into his chest, wrapping his long limbs around and effectively warming you up. "Better?"

You grinned to yourself. "Much better."

Spencer kept one arm wrapped around you as he used his other to point out constellations he knew. You felt so at peace, like you could listen to him for hours. That moment felt like it could stretch on for eternity, and you desperately wanted it to.

"Hey Y/N?" Spencer said in a moment of quiet.

"Yeah, Spence?" You took a moment to maneuver yourself so you were facing him instead of the sky. Your faces were mere inches apart, his deep brown eyes scanning your face.

In another burst of confidence, he closed the space between you two, locking his lips onto yours. You quickly reciprocated, a hand moving up into his hair as he pressed you further into him. You two broke apart for air, him just staring lovingly into your eyes.

"Would it be redundant to ask you out?" Spencer said sheepishly, and you couldn't help but laugh and kiss him again.

"Just a bit." You answered, and snuggled further into his chest.

"Hey lovebirds!" A voice yelled at you two, and you looked up to see Derek standing at his open window. "Don't get hypothermia!"

Spencer and you laughed as your friend closed his window. "Maybe we should go back inside."

"One more constellation?" You pleaded.

He couldn't say no to you, kissing your forehead. "Fine, one more."

((eyy first one! warning: multi-parts coming your way soon))

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