Okay so last year I started going to a different school and there was this boy who his first words to me were, "You have a super cute smile, your teeth are really white." He's been my Biffle pretty much sense then. Yesterday he asked me out but my friend likes him and idk if I do but like I do I think and I just got out of a relation ship with a guy too. NEW BOOK IDEA HOLY SHIZ. anywhozies I have a problem where I will like somebody, date them and then push them away, trust issues. It scares me. I don't want to do that to him so I keep avoiding the subject, I'm always stressed and the last thing I wanna do is hurt him. That's Biffle. So like idk what to do everyone is telling to say yes but idk. Why am I like this?
The thoughts of me
RandomI have some weird things that go through my head. my ships, puns on my sexuality, when I get upset, and so on and so forth. so these are pointless rants and randomness. I also write short little stories that could go into books so don't be surprised...