Chapter One: Doctor, doctor

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     It was a strange feeling, the sharp object piercing your skin. Pain spread like wildfire through your whole body, but slight numbness kicked in. It's probably the shock, you thought as you fell onto the concrete ground. Blood started to pool out in front of you, street light beautifully reflecting off the Crimson liquid. You could see your breath in the foggy air. Good to know I'm still breathing. You felt paralyzed, as if something held you down, like carrying weights underwater. Finally, you came to your senses, and the pain began to worsen. You let out a scream, and pressed your hand over the wound to help stop the bleeding.
   "Oh my god, are you all right?" A shrill, slightly annoying voice called out. Of coarse I'm not fucking all right do you not see the blood pooling out of my goddamn gut? "I'm calling an ambulance" the girl said, as if unsure of what else to say as she watched you writhing in pain.
    The sound of sirens drew nearer, and your vision began to blur. Your muscles ached in your arm, but you dared not release the pressure. You could make out the sound of voices as two paramedics approached you. After that, you couldn't remember anything else other than the harsh, bright lights of the hospital and a handsome, blue eyed man.
    "Doctor! Doctor! We're losing her!"
    "No, we aren't. I never let a patient die, you know that."
   "You might not be able to save her, the stab wound is nothing like I'd ever seen before."
   "I can, and I will. Now shut up and hand me the needle."
   "Doctor Strange-"
    The last thing you heard was his name. Strange, Strange, Strange, Strange.
    You awoke in a hospital bed, the cotton fabric brushing against you as you moved.
    Pain burned your torso, causing you to lay back down, you groaned. Your head sunk into the pillow, and you stared at the ceiling. Like everything else, it was plain, boring, and white. At least the curtains are more colorful, you thought as you glanced at the washed out blue curtains covering the window. From what you could see, you guessed you were on the third floor of the hospital. At that moment, the man walked into your room. Doctor Strange.
    "Hello miss uh," he looked at a clipboard in his hand. "Miss (y/n)." He smiled, little lines creasing at the side of his eyes. "You are my interesting case."
    "How? I was mugged, not transformed into a frog." He chuckled. It was a deep sound that rumbled in his chest, you could feel the vibrations in the air.
    "Sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Doctor Strange, and I will personally be observing you and your health. I do need to ask a few questions, though." Strange pulled a small, brown chair and sat to the right of your bed, leaning his chest against the back of it, which was facing you. "Do you remember anything about the man that attacked you."
    "Uh," you took a moment to try and recollect what had happened. "I don't really remember it well, but the man had a strange weapon. I thought it was a knife, but now that I think of it, I'm not so sure." You remembered the glistening thing the thief held in his hand. It looked more like a shard of glass than anything. "He stole my purse, which had all my things in it. I'm not sure if he really had any other weapon; what he used looked like a glass shard you'd find in an alley." You sat gloomily, thinking of all the stuff you had in your purse.
"And do you remember what the man looked like?" Doctor Strange asked, staring intently at you. It was slightly intimidating, as well as something else. You tried to remember the man's face, but it was as if it was blocked.
"I- I can't remember. I do remember seeing green cloth, but not much else. I was a bit too busy bleeding to death." You laughed a little. When you looked up, his expression was unreadable.
"And that's all you remember?" He asked carefully, watching my reaction.
"No, nothing else."
There was a long pause, and you could hear his breath breaking the stagnant air. You began to study his face, and damn. His eyes were a beautiful blue-green color, and his cheekbones were extraordinary. Just looking at him made you feel tingly all over. Your eyes moved down to his torso, which sadly was hidden behind the chair. You saw him watching you, and immediately played it off by closing your eyes like that was all you were doing.
"If you are too tired, I can leave you to rest. You have been out for two days, though. So I imagine you just need five more minutes." He smiled to himself as you opened your eyes and stared at him in shock.
"Two days? I've been out for two days!?" You exclaimed.
"Yes. That is why I need to know who stabbed you and what with, in case it affects your health in any way."
"But how does a stab wound knock me out for two whole days? How is that even possible?"
"That is what we are trying to figure out." Strange said, though it seemed as if he knew more that he wasn't telling me. He scooted the chair closer, the scraping noise echoing in the room, and studied the small cuts on my face. "However, you have healed rather quickly while you were unconscious." His eyes darted down to your lips, and you felt heat pool into your cheeks. "Your lips have already healed."
As his eyes met with yours, both you and the Doctor stared at each other, his gaze drifting from one (e/c) iris to the other.
"Anyways, I'll let you rest. I'll be back tomorrow to see if you have remembered anything new. If you need anything, just press the help button on the side of your bed there and a nurse will be here to help you. Goodnight, (y/n)." He quickly got up and out of the chair, scooting it back to its original place. Before you could protest, Doctor Strange opened the door and walked away, leaving you to your thoughts.
After seeing him, there was no way you could think of anything else other than his beautiful face framed by his dark, wavy, short hair. The silver follicles right above his ears just made him even more attractive, but then again, you always had a thing for older men.

Author's Note: I will be writing more, just give me time. My phone has stopped working so I can only get on my iPad to do any writing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to give any feedback in the comments below.

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