Chapter Five: Tea With a Little Honey

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    Once Strange and you exited the mirror dimention, the scent of freshly brewed tea wafted towards you, causing your mouth to water. Stephen waved at one of the servants, who seemed unphased by your sudden appearance. He had long, jet black hair, and reminded you of one of the elvish folk from The Hobbit. He smiled, pouring us tea into two beautiful cups. Then, he handed it to the two of you and you gladly accepted it.
    You placed the ornate cup to your lips and took a sip, feeling instantly better as the hot liquid cascaded smoothly over your tongue. It tasted absolutely amazing, and you detected a little cinnamon as well as something else.. Honey, maybe?
    "It's good tea, isn't it?" Stephen asked.
    "Yeah," you paused, a shiver running down your spine from a sudden gust of wind. "It's also nice to hold since it's so cold here."
    "Why don't we go back to my room. I'm sure some blankets will help you to warm up a little." God, I think I'm warming up already, you thought.
    "Sure. Lead the way."


    His room felt very warm now that the both of you were under the thick covers. Though your cheeks felt as if they were lit on fire, since the oh so tempting Stephen Strange decided to lay there shirtless to 'warm up a little better'. Not that you minded really, since heat seemed to come off him in waves, but you had also taken off your garments, leaving you with nothing but a black tank top and underwear you had thankfully put on beneath your robes. By now, your body was probably tomato red from sheer embarrassment and a devious mind that brought back memories of a particular dream.
    The tea from earlier was now on the table, probably cold by now. It didn't matter much, since you drank most of it anyways, but you were trying to distract yourself from the hottest piece of ass sitting next to you. Perhaps thinking of the tea would keep your mind busy.
    "I hope this isn't too awkward for you, (y/n)." Strange said, noticing your discomfort. Your name rolled so perfectly off his tongue. Oh, it's not awkwardness that renders me this way.
    "It's fine, I'm still a little chilly, is all." You lied. He stared at you for a moment before scooting closer towards you. Oh shit.
    "Is this better?" His voice was low and gravely, causing your blush to deepen.
    "Uh, yeah, I'm feeling much warmer now." You said, averting your eyes from his gaze. A calloused hand was brought to your cheek, forcing you to stare into his gorgeous blue-green eyes. My, how the colors in his iris wrapped so perfectly with each other. You noticed a little redness to his cheeks. Was he.. blushing too?
    "You can always tell me if you are feeling uncomfortable. Don't hold back to be polite." Oh, but that's the problem; I want it to happen.
   "Mmhm." Was the only thing you could muster up, his close proximity having an obvious effect on you.
   "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" He leaned in closer, his mouth inches away from yours. Your eyes flickered to his luscious lips, and he took this as an invitation. Your lips crashed with his and your stomach fluttered. He expertly moved one of his hands to the back of your head, grabbing a fist full of your (h/c) hair. You moaned slightly, which seemed to spur him on.
   "Wait, what are we doing?" You asked between kisses.
   "I'm not sure."
   "Shouldn't we, uh, stop? Is this right? I haven't really known you for that long." Your hesitation began to kick in. Damn why can't I just go with it?
   "If you want. I'm sorry for coming on to you like that, I shouldn't have done that." He pulled away, his hands still on your body.
   "Don't apologize, Spephen."
   "I do love how you say my name." He said. A smile crept onto your face.
   "I'm sorry I'm so damn strange." You apologized. A smirk returned to his lips and he leaned in again.
   "I like strange," he kissed you again, slowly pushing you back onto the bed. You were a little awkward at first, but you eventually melted into his embrace. What's life without a little awkwardness, right?
    Stephen placed himself on top of you, and you wanted to flip him over, but, once again, hesitation kicked in. If only life were like my dreams. He lowered himself a little, his abs rubbing against you. You groaned and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. You felt him smile against your lips, and then felt a series of kisses trail down your neck. By the time he reached your collar bone, you had gained more confidence.
    You pushed him up and flipped him onto his back, grinding yourself into him. He groaned and you felt a bulge forming. You continued to grind into him at a slow pace and god, the sounds he made.
    "(Y/n)," he managed to say your name before throwing his head back, trying to suppress a moan as you deliberately ground harder into him.
    "Yes?" You said teasingly. He grabbed you and quickly pinned you down beneath him.
    "I like to be the dominant one." He was now fully erect, and pressed into you between your legs. You moaned and heard a deep growl come from within Stephens' throat. He slid one of his hands up your tank top, taking his time as he slowly trailed up your side and cupped your breast.
    His hands were cold and sent shivers down your spine. You took off your tank top, leaving it a heap on the floor. Goosebumps traveled down your arms as he moved his hand to the clasp of your bra. He tried to unhook it, but seemed to be having trouble. You laughed.
    "Here, let me help with that." You sat up a little and slid your hands over his, guiding him as he finally unhooked the damned thing. You slowly slid the straps down your arms, teasing Strange. He smirked.
    Before you could finish taking off your bra, he tackled you, taking the garment off and once again pinning you beneath his muscular body. Sweat started to form on his body, causing him to glisten.
    "As much as I love you teasing me, I need you now." His hair was slick, enhancing his features. God he's so damn hot.
    "Then what are you waiting for?" You panted, your voice laced with lust. That was all he needed.
                                                                                To be Continued...

Authors' Note: yes I will update and add more to this but I wanted to upload something since I haven't in a while. Like I said, I'm a lazy piece of shit, and also a virgin so I don't know jack shit about the sexy times (except that I have a very dirty, imaginative mind and boy, the things you can accomplish with that!) so I do apologize. Anyways, I hope y'all had a happy new year and that 2017 is going well for you lovely peeps. Until next time, my lovelies!

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