Chapter Ten: All For You

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    Your entire body ached with pain, bruises decorated your skin. A groan escaped your lips as you tried to move. Slowly, you opened your eyes to take in your surroundings, sighing in relief as you realized you were no longer in that retched place, but rather in the safe confines of your own room.
You thought of pinching yourself to make sure it was real, but the pain you were already feeling confirmed that this is reality. You breathed in the familiar cold air that you've surprisingly missed after being in the stuffy confines of a cement room for so long, your lungs thanking you or simply breathing. It felt so good to be back home, to be safe, but something was missing. Where is he?
    "Stephen?" You called out weakly, your rib cage exploding with pain. "Stephen, are you there?" For awhile you were met with silence, but then you heard your door open.
    "Yes, yes, I'm here, (y/n). You're safe now and I'm so so sorry," Stephen apologized. He sat next to you on the bed and placed his hand on your cheek. You could tell by his puffy eyes that he had been crying.
    "Why are you crying? I'm ok now, you don't have to cry." You lifted your hand to his, ignoring the stinging sensation that followed. It was not as important as he was.
    "I know, I just- I'm just glad that you're ok now, but I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you. I should have been there! You never should have been taken and it's my fault for not-" you cut him off.
    "No it is not. Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known any of this would have happened, besides, we're here now, and that's all that matters."
    Stephen looked at you for a long amount of time before saying, "I love you."
    You smiled. "I know. I love you." He leaned down and hugged you, a small groan escaping your lips due to the pain but you ignored it and did your best to hug him back.
    "Now, it's going to take awhile for me to heal, but once I do I'm going to need to train harder than we have been before."
    "And why is that"
    "Because, next time I meet that sadistic motherfucker I'm going to kick his ass."

*cue badass music and end credits*

A/n: and that's the end of this lovely story! I know I ended with short chapters but I hope you enjoyed this slightly shitty story nonetheless. Here's this priceless gem to ease your breaking hearts:

 Here's this priceless gem to ease your breaking hearts:

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