Chapter Three: Truths and Dreams uncovered

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"I never took you as one to believe in chakras or the powers of belief, Doctor. In fact, I don't believe you. I mean, harnessing the energy of different dimensions? I know that there are super heroes and villains, but seriously? Now we have wizards?" You sat there in disbelief as Stephen watched you carefully. "That's just too strange, Strange!"
He stared at you, but a small smile crept onto his face. In fact, he started to smirk as he stood up and held out his hand for you to take. It was as if he was withholding information from you. You stared at his quivering hand, unsure as to what he was doing. "Follow me, (y/n), and I will show you."
"Show me what?" An inappropriate thought entered your head, but you quickly shoved it to the back of your mind. You took his hand, feeling the scars beneath the soft skin of your fingertips. You felt a tingling sensation in your stomach. Perhaps it was because of this 'energy' he was talking about, or perhaps it was something else.
"You'll see." Strange began to lead you out of your room and walked down the white, sterile smelling hospital hallway. The two of you walked past several people who greeted Doctor Strange with friendly smiles, not sparing you a single glance. You were thankful no one looked at you, since you didn't want anyone asking where you were going or why you weren't in your bed. Eventually, Strange stopped in front of a door, which read 'Supplies'.
"What, do you need a broom or something?" You teased, but Stephen just smiled and opened the door, gesturing me to go in. He closed the door behind him and picked up a golden, rectangular ring hidden on a high shelf. He slipped the ring onto his index and middle fingers and began to make circular motions with his hands. You were about to ask what the hell he was doing when you saw golden sparks coalesce to create a circular portal. Inside the circle you saw what seemed to be a temple; there were polished wooden walls and an ornate carpet. Through a window you saw large, snowy mountains where the sun was setting. The Himilayas.
"Don't worry, it's safe." Strange said. He seemed to be amused by your dumbfounded expression, his beautiful lips pulled into a smirk. The dark hair of his beard followed the movements of his lips, which temporarily mesmerized you before you snapped yourself out of it and stared at the portal. Slowly, you entered it, watching as everything changed around you. You were no longer in the hospital, but a beautiful temple that smelled of sandalwood and a hint of jasmine. Cold air folded over your warm skin, causing goosebumps to travel up and down your whole body. The hospital gown did little to block out the cold. Stephen walked in behind you, and noticed your chattering teeth.
"Oh, you're probably going to need some clothes."
"You think? This is not the kind of place you'd walk around naked in." You said, trying to warm yourself up by rubbing your hands over your arms. You looked over at Stephen, and there was a slight rosiness to his cheeks. Must be from the cold, you thought.
"Here, let me show you to a room. I'll bring some robes for you and I'll also be changing out of my scrubs. Not exactly the most insulating clothes." He said with a chuckle, and placed his hand on the small of your back, leading you down the beautiful hallway. The smell of sandalwood and jasmine grew stronger as you neared two doors. "You can take this room," he gestured to one of the doors. "My room is right next to yours so if you need anything, you can come get me."
"Thank you. What is this place, anyways?" You asked.
"This is Kamandal."
"Kamandal? Is it some sort of temple or something?"
"Yeah, something like that." Strange said vaguely. "Anyways, let me go get you something to wear." Can I wear you? You smirked at your perfect pick-up line, but chose not to say it out loud.
"Thank you." He nodded as he walked off, leaving you to your new room. You opened the wooden door and peered inside. The room was small and slightly cramped, but it looked cozy enough. Small dust particles danced in the fleeting sunlight, and the bed had thick blankets over it, which looked very welcoming to your shivering body. You became very aware of your chattering teeth and decided that getting under those covers wouldn't be a bad idea. You wrapped the blanket over you as you slid into the bed. Immediately, your body began to warm up.
Stephen returned and knocked on your door, holding a crimson robe in his arms. The door opened and he walked in. Strange was dressed in a black and blue robe with a red cape draped over his shoulders. The robe flattered his masculine figure, accenting his fit torso. He walked closer to you, handing you the robe as well as a small piece of parchment.
"What's this?" You asked as you stared at the words written on the paper.

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