After school me and nessie walked home because it was a nice day, for Maine that is it was still cloudy but warm. My mind raced as i thought about what happened this morning with Leo. All he did was kiss me for affect no big deal. Ok so the fact that i like him could interfere with the feelings I'm feeling' but still. We were about 5 minutes away from home and nessie still didn't say anything until now of coarse
"ok spill" she said pointing her finger at me
"spill what?" i asked innocently
"you and you're boy friend!"
"I'm single"
"stop being so difficult!"
"i'm not-"
"do i need to get Edward to tickle you and have the hole family know?" nessie threatened
"ugh fineeeeeeeee" i moaned to long and nessie pulled out her phone to call Edward
'okok i wont be difficult" she hung up her phone
"leo told me afterwards that he did that for 2 reasons but he only told me 1. that he wanted to add effect! i swear im still single and yes i liked it and him but guess what!" i blurred out
"hes not 14! he faked that age! hes only 13 turning 14 in July!" i sighed
"because he wanted to be in my grade" i blushed
"hey pepper!" i heard from behind me. wow this past like 5 minutes went by confusingly now leos here!
" hey leo! umm i'll leave you two alone just pepper be home by dinner" nessie said then winked at me causing me to blush.
"hey" i said casually
"hey ummm can you wanna take a walk with me?" he asked
"sure" wow we are so awkward together
"ok so i need to um ask you something" he blushed. aww hes so cute when he blushes.
"will you umm have this?" and he pulled out a heart locket. the out side was plain silver but when he opened it a tiny flame flickered out of it.
"the best part is this heart only burns for you. if anyone else opens it nothing happens. like my heart" i just wanted to cry at his cuteness, i mean did you hear that!"
"did you just umm-" i asked did he just ask me out?
"Ya will you?" i was about to answer but then of coarse i couldn't
"pepper!" i heard edward and emmet yell.
" yes i Will be your girlfriend now run! its my brothers!" I panicked but of coarse having vampire brothers they out ran us. Emmett and Edward together pinned me up against the tree and emmet threatened leo and told him to stay put.
" why didn't you tell us?" edward complained
"what? I'm assuming nessie told you everything that little brat!"
"hey that's my daughter! watch your mouth!" edward snapped
"wait wait wait. He is your brother and his daughter is the lock ness monster?" leo asked confused
"renesmee is nessie that's just her nickname" i explained trying to wriggle out of my brothers grip
"and edward is her father? Sorry man but you only look 17" Leo laughed awkwardly
"ya i get that alot I'm actually older, much older" edward laughed way too hard
" edward you're scarring him and me at the moment." i said pointing to him pinning me to the tree which i'm 3 feet off the ground.
"well we have to hold you until the rest of the family comes" emmet laughed and edward face palmed. Wait, what? the hole family. no no no i can't let that happen. I think leo could sense the pan-nick in my face.
"hey i love to meet my girlfriends family but unfortunately we haven't even been darting for like 5 minutes so i'll be going pepper call me?" and leo walked away
"emmet" edward said motioning him to run after leo. in like 3 seconds emmet came back with leo.
"I hate you guys right now" i sighed
"ya at least we're better then" I stated making shut up motions "jack" I face palmed
"I told you that was a forbidden subject period! Any who is carlisle in on this? what would carlisle say?" i asked sassy
"I would say good job boys on embarrassment but um edward you could of did something different then pin your sister to a tree" carlise chuckled as he and the rest of the cullens came out of the shadows. Why are they doing everything like a movie? edward set me down and i nodded a thanks
"carlisle you are supposed to be my sane one!" i yelled sassy
"hey we have to have fun ya' know" carlisle laughed.
"So who is this male?" Rosalie faked curiosity
"ugh i hate you guys so much right now! family leo leo family. Happy? OK bye bye!" i said as fast as i could.
"he needs to know our names!"
"no he doesn't!". i had a stare down with all of them until i realized that emmet still had leo.
"emmet let go of my boyfriend!" all of the the girls screeched like this is news and the boys smirked like that smirk, you know what i mean. i gave in and introduced them all.
"ok now before you ge too far with my daughter, i guess you should know everyone here in the cullens is" carlisle said seriously
MWHAHAH cliff hanger :) it would be really nice if you guys told me what you thought,vote,comment,email or kik :) sorry it was kinda choppy :(
The 3rd wheel lovers
ספרות חובביםwhen the cullens adopt a girl at the age of 13 everyone has a match except her. She constantly is looking when one day she finds a boy named Leo valdez.they seem the perfect match. but the whole summer he disapears and comes back with old bruises an...