15 - You Ain't Shit

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Malak was talking to me but I couldn't pay attention, my mind was anywhere else but on what he was saying Me and River didn't talk since that last time we argued, which was 1 month ago and I see her in school sometimes but I just ignore her, as she seems to ignore me. I won't lie, I think about that girl every day and I miss her, but I just don know if getting her back in my life is the best option, she showed to me the person that she is. Kyree hasn't been talking to me too, he just took this chance to get closer to her, Craig still talks to me normally.

Malak: Man, did you just listen to what I said?

Me: Hmm? Sorry I didn't

Malak: Wus wrong?

Me: I ain't even gonna lie, I can't get River out of my mind

Malak: Well, I can't really help you with that, you gotta decide if you're gonna forgive her or not

I just sighed.

Me: I think I'm gonna forgive her, but I ain't getting in a relationship with her.

Malak: Do what you feel like doing

Me: You know what? I know what I'm doing.


I was home alone, just watching Netflix, I was so bored. I miss Malu, Malak, Alexa, Steph, Trey, Sebas, Benny, Craig... And Jaden. It would always be fun with them. Whatever.

Suddenly I heard the door bell ringing. I slowly got out of bed and walked to the door. Through the little hole I saw the last person that I thought that would be at my door right now. That's right. It was Jaden Delarosa. What the hell was he doing here? After some seconds, I opened the door. I just looked at him waiting till he said something.

Jaden: Can I come in?

I just moved out of the way and I closed the door, still a little surprised by the fact that he was there.

Jaden: The new apartment is nice.

Me: Why did you decide to come visit me just now?

He just turned around and looked at me.

Jaden: Maybe because you hurt me

Me: I already told you I didn't mean to so that to you, Jaden... Damn won't you never get over it? I already told you I'm sorry!

Jaden: But you did it. And you know why I got so pissed? Because I've been through this situation before. She just used me. She would say "I love you", "There's no one else that more important to me than you". You know what all that was? Bullshit! She used me like a free ride to get what she wanted, fame. Because I'm Jaden Delarosa, the nigga that has k's of followers on Instagram. I really loved her and I thought she loved me too. Guess what? She didn't. When she got what she wanted, she dumped me, like I was trash.. That fucked me up, I never trusted any girl anymore when it came to relationships, I was going to try it again with Jess, yes I said I had a crush on her since middle school, but on 9th grade I kinda forgot about her and started a relationship, that I thought it was serious, with that girl, but it didn't work with Jess, why? Because you came. And I thought that you really were going to be the one who was going to make me trust in love again. And what did you do? You just made me go back to having no trust. You really just said you liked me back and then you go kiss one of my best friends? In the same day?? All I could think through this last month was "Damn this girl... How she got me feeling like this?". All I wanted to do was come to your house, know on your door, look in right in the eyes and say: "You Ain't Shit". But I didn't. Why? Because I know that, besides of what you did to me, you're still such an amazing girl, you have something that makes you special, that why I like you, cause yes I still like you, not only because of how you look outside. But because of that "something special" that you have. But I won't be able to trust you never again when it comes to love. Damn River I was so ready to take care of you.... Treat you right and with the respect that you deserved... And then you do this. But I came here to say that I forgive you, but, for more that I like you, I don't think I'm gonna be able to trust you. I hope I do, some day.

I just stood there. Looking at him. If he's intention was to make me feel guilty, sad, mad at myself and terrible, well, he did it. We just looked at each other for like 1 minute, and of course, my dumb ass didn't even know what to say but...

"I'm sorry."

Really? That all I said? "I'm sorry"? Maybe he's right, maybe I really ain't shit. He just looked at me for a few more seconds and then he left. I just stood there. Processing everything that he said. And thinking about how dumb I was. He's amazing, Malu was right. And I just... He didn't deserve what I did. I ain't shit.

"Cause see you can't deny that girl is beautiful... But only on the outside" - Ne-Yo

I just posted this to update something, but Jaden deeply got in his feelings...

Thanks for reading!!

luanadallasdrake 💙

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