Chapter 1~The beginings

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Damn my teachers. Damn my classmates. Damn my fucking school!

Walking down the streets of the sweet and unusually cold Dallas, Texas I cursed all of the people who had been involved in my assigned project. I kicked anything that got in my way and muttered more curses at other people who had nothing to do with it. I kicked a nearby rock minding its own rocky business and I stomped a cigarette butt that was still lit, and I even kicked this pretty diamond rock.

Actually, as soon as I kicked it I face palmed myself and ran to get it. It didn't take me long to find it, though. I picked it up and brought it to my face. It was a freaking diamond.

"Damn! A random diamond lying on the ground?!" I said with disbelief. I couldn't believe it! After having such a terrible week at school, something good finally happened to me! With this diamond I bet i can get enough money to pay for the rest of my college! I lowered my head over the diamond and let my hair fall over my face, then i started to slowly laugh maniacally.This is indeed excellent! I can't be brought down now!!!!! COME AT ME WITH YOUR WORST, WORLD!! I'M FUCKING RICH NOW!

Suddenly, a man in black ran into me. He landed on top of me with a loud oof. I swear I heard some bones crack and I was very worried whether they were my bones or his. The strange man quickly got up and made a hasty retreat.

"what the hell!?" I said in a daze. The retard didn't even apologize!  "Yeah I'm sorry you fucking landed on top of me, too!!!" i said with sarcasm, yelling on top of my lungs. I got up and brushed my self off.

Wait, the diamond! Did he take the diamond???? Noooo! My diamond! That diamond was my best friend! My beautiful diamond!!!! I'm gonna find out who that screwed up man was, and when i do....he'll pay! Perferably in cash. Yes, I can jail that man and demand my money back and be done with my Investigate a Crime project! Excellence!

I started walking again, towards my mother's house. It was that dreaded time of the year again. Every year was the same. I would knock on the door, my mother would open it and shower me in hugs and kisses and start to cry even though i was here just a month ago. After the crying fiasco she'd look over my shoulder as if searching for something.

My girlfriend...that i dont have.

This year wasn't any different.

"Jeffrey...where's your fiance?" my mother asked frantically. I rolled my eyes and pulled my scarf down.

"Ma, i dont even have a girlfriend, who can i get engaged?" i said. She looked at me with stern eyes.

"Nonsense, you need a wife, and soon!" she said.

"I just got into college, and besides; i'm not interested in girls right now" i said with annoyance. Her eyes widened...that's when i realized what was wrong with my statement.

"AHH! No! I meant i wasn't looking for a wife right now! I am still very much interested in women, Ma!" i quickly interjected before she could get a word in.

"Hmm..." she looked me up and down. "Get in, you'll catch cold" she finally said. I gladly walked into the house. It was warm, very warm. Probably 'cause my dad was cooking something.

Something delicious. I'll need a full stomach before i seriously think about my investigation.

I took off my hat, gloves, scarf, and coat and threw them in the closet, eager to follow the nice aroma that had already filled my nostrils.

"Hey Da!" I said rubbing my hands together. "Whats cookin'" i said, eyeing the stew. My dad turned around and smacked my head. I jerked away on reflex and grabbed my head.

Through the eyes of a Murderer (Jeff The Killer Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now