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" so your son is gay?" David asked. He can hear someone is chuckling over there. They talk on the phone.

" yeah, luke is. I accept him. What about calum?" Andrew can't stop laughing. He really missed his old bestfriend, David. They know each other since kindergarten and have a good friendship untill now. Even though they live in the same city, they can't really meet each other because they're busy with their job.

" calum is the same, they should meet!" David is so excited about this.

"Oh jeez, are you for real? Oh god! I can't wait to tell liz about this, she's been dreaming or maybe imagining that calum and luke could be together? She always said they're perfect for each other. We really should meet." David is grinning while his wife wondering what happened.

"Yeah, tomorrow at 7pm? Don't forget to bring luke!" David hung up the phone and run to the upstairs, jumping slightly when he hugged joy.

I need to stop writting this shit, but here I am excited about this book!

Smh ...

Happy reading guys :)

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