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Luke's pov

"Cal, It's eleven am. You're not going to work?" I ask him, knocking on his door.

"I don't want to." He answered, not opening the door.

"What's wrong?" Still knocking on his door. This time he doesn't answer my question.

"Cal!" He's never do this, waking up late to work. He's a morning person.

"Are you sick?"Still got not response.

"Caluuuum!" I can hear he's groaning from the inside. Am I that annoying to him?

"Honey, you're worrying me." I slap my mouth, not believing the words, I call him honey.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted, He's hating me even more.

Calum's pov

"Honey you're worrying me." Honey.  Why don't he just give up on me? Why can't he face the fact that I don't love him? Why I got that warm fuzzy feelings inside when he called me honey?

"Leave me alone!" I can't bear to think about two days ago, when I saw him laughing with another guy, I can't stand with the feelings. The anxiety is real, am I jealous? no, thats too much. But oh how I wish I have the guts to punch that red-haired guy.

Luke's pov

"Uh halo," I try to call calum's mom.

"Luke? How are you?" I can hear the cherry voice, just like my mom.

"I'm fine but calum's not fine." I say, feeling my hands shake.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, he... he's overslept. He doesn't get out of his bedroom, he's not going to work and uh I'm worried because he..." I cover my mouth, realizing that I'm talking too much.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about this." She replied, sighing right after.

"Calum has this habit, ever since someone broke his heart like a few years ago." I catch my breath slowly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"He'll do those things that you said, when he feels someone will take away what his. He will cuddle himself in his bedroom all day untill he feels better, the anxiety always gets the best of him." Is this the reason why he gets annoyed so easily?

"so maybe you made him jealous this past few days?" she chuckled, while I'm here not understanding what she said. How'd he be jealous? He didn't even love me to feel that kind of feelings? How could he then...

I'm sorry I change the pov like three times, it's confusing I know:(

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