New girl in town chapter 1

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This is my 1 story I hope yall like it please give me feedback I always like to know what others are thinking :)

Chapter 1: North Carolina here we come.

Moving. Something I never thought I'd see me and my family doing. Never in a million years did I, Kathrine Renee Frances picture my family and I leaving our home of 12 years in Florida.

I don't want to move to North Carolina, I don't want to leave my friends and I don't want to leave my hometown. Why do I have to suffer just because my father out of the blue wants to move? Well I shouldn't say out of the blue, he did get a new job offer that he just couldn't resist. Whatever he doesn't know what it feels like to be a junior In highschool that has to leave in the middle of the year. Ugh. Im currently sitting her with my two brothers while waiting for my parents to finish loading the cars and trucks.

"Come on Kathy Kat, lighten up North Carolina won't be that bad" my twin brother Kyle foolishly grins while shoving me, I roll me eyes at the nick name and shove him too but I must have a little to hard since he almost fell from his chair. My eldest brother Travis leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest starts to chuckles "what's so funny" Kyle glares at him. "Oh nothing, the fact that kath can knock you over is very amusing" he says with a full laughter now. I smile at Kyle, "she pushes hard" "what do you me to do, knock the lights out of her" he says raising his eyebrows. "Then id have to kick your ass" Travis winks at me. They have always been protective over me, god forrbid I brought a guy home.

I think Travis is the only one excited to go to North Carolina he didn't get upset like I did when my parents told us the outstanding news. -_-

"Travis, why are you so excited to go to North Carolina" I question "yeah you're a senior" Kyle chimed in. I don't get it, isn't senior year the year you want to be with all your friends? "They have good schools down there" Travis is a big football star I can see him playing In the pros one day "plus all the new girls" he 'Bro fived' Kyle. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, typical Travis. "doesn't sound so bad" Kyle laughs with Travis. Ugh boys.

"Alright Frances children lets roll out" my dad scream clapping his hands. I walk to my baby, and not a real baby my silver four door jeep, which is practically my baby. My family and I decided we'd drive our cars to North Carolina. Kyle is with me while Travis drives he precious mustang dad, driving the moving van and my mom driving her car. North Carolina here we come.


"IM FRIENDS WKTH THE MONSTER THATS UNDER MY BED, GET ALONG WITH THE VOICES INSIDE MY HEAD, YOU TRYIN TO SAVE ME STOP HOLDIN YOUR BREATH YA YOU THINK IM CRAZY YA YOU THINK IM CRAZY" lord help me. Save me from my brothers rank voice. "Kyle please for the love of Christ all mighty shut the hell up" I scream not even looking at him. "You're just jealous you can't sing like me" "oh please, if I wanted to sing like you I would shove a knife down my throat" I eyed him. "Ouch. That hurt" he places his hand over his heart. I just rolled my eyes not wanting to continue the conversation. I just want get there we've been driving for hours only stoping for bathroom breaks and gas stops. Kyle hasn't been much help he's either sleeping or screaming his lungs to any song you can think of. So as you can tell I'm having a lovely time. -_-

As Kyle continues singing the chours come back... "I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed" Kyle points at me while singing. I shoot hand out a smack him upside the head. As if he knew it was coming him tried to duck but it was too late, he chuckled and continued singing. Sweet mother of Mary, help me get through the rest of this trip.


Finally! After a 9 hour drive stuck In my car with my obnoxious twin we are finally at our new home in this quite state of North Carolina. Joy. The house we pulled up to was litteralty in the middle of no where. We have yards of land, yes we had neighbors but they were fairly far from us, I could see the other house though. As much as I hate the idea of living here the house was pretty it was all white with light blue shutters and a big porch with a swing on it. There was a tire wing on the big tree infront of our house. Come to think of it, this house looks like a dead sealer of a house that's in a horror movie. Oh no. Not today I don't play that paranormal bullshit, one noise and I'm out.
"This place isn't haunted is it" Kyle says basically reading my mind, must be a twin thing. "No it's not haunted" my mom said sucking her teeth. "Well I'm just saying it looks like a set for the next paranormal activcty movie" my brother glance at my mom then back at the house. "Well it's not" she slaps Kyle upside the head. "Plus I did a background check on it" my mom said quietly but I heard. I laughed me and mother hate scary movies but my dad and brothers love them, we always get sucked into watching them.

New girl in townWhere stories live. Discover now