Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: ha good look canes

Sorry for any grammar mistakes ;)

"Hello Katherine" yellow eyes evilly smirks at me. "W-who who are you" I stutter, he breaths in and laughs deeply "ohh Katherine, how could you not remember your own family" he still smiling. Family? I have never seen this man in my life "well, it's understandable your were around 3 the last time I you saw me", "who are you" I question again. But before he can answer there was a knock on my window, it's a homeless man "spare change" he holds his hands out "I'm sorry sweet heart I don't have anything, but here take this" I hand him the hot chocolate Xander gave me. "Bless you" he says walking away. I turn back toward mystery yellow eyes man, but he's gone. I start to breath frantically, I have never been so scared in my life, who was he? How did I know him? How is he my family?

I drive as fast I could to my house, I ran out of my car and into my house slamming and locking the doors behind me "woah, easy tiger" my dad says spread out on the couch. "Dad, how many family members do we have" I ask out of the blue, worry crosses his face "to many to count" that's true, Italian families are huge. "Oh, good night dad" I kiss his cheek but he holds my wrist "are you ok pumpkin" he asks "I'm fine just a little tired". I'm not tired at all I'm scared shitless. I run upstairs to my rooms putting my bags down. I walk down the hall where the guest bedroom is. I open the door making a squeak noise and look around once more. Shutting the door I look around at the baby blues walls and dark blue bed spread. My eyes dart to the string handing from the celling allowing me to pull down a mini ladder to climb in the attack. I climb in wiping off all the cobwebs. I peak my head in, this places gives me the creeps. Reminds me of sinister. Wiping the scary movie out of my head I climb up the rest of ladder and head to the boxes of photo albums and scrapbooks my mom has made. I use my phone as a flashlight and behind to look for the oldest looking one, that has to have him in it somewhere. After digging through numerous albums I stumble across a leather looking one that has dust all over it. I blow off the book and on top of it it says 'the wedding' this isn't the wedding album I have ever seen. At the bottoms It says 'to Joshua and Martha Frances, May your love last forever and ever longer ' those are my parents. I flip through the pages and after a few pages I see a man standing next to my father and mother. That's him. That yellow eyes, except his eyes aren't yellow there but he has the same shaggy brown hair and stuffy chin and hard exterior. I look down at the caption of the photo ' Joshua and Martha pose with jasper' so his name is jasper. I have never heard of this man in my life. Who is he?

I keep flipping through pages and see him in couple more, but none of them can tell me how he's related to me. My thoughts are cut off by my phone ringing causing me to jump, I look down at the screen and see Xander's name flashing "hello" I say a little shaky "hey sweet cheeks, just wanted to make sure your safe" I can almost hear the relief in his voice. I'm not going to tell him about jasper, I'm not telling anyone. Why would I, just so I can get more unanswered question "I'm fine" I smile because he's thinking of me "hey listen, Brianna told me to invite you over" he breaths out "sure I'll be over in 10" "alright see ya sweet cheeks" and he hangs up the phone. I grab the album slamming it shut. I tuck it under my arm and head down the ladder.

I changed out of my school uniform into some yoga pants and a zip up purple jacket. I jump down the stairs throwing on my brown moccisans grabbing the pitcher of lemonade From the fridge. Mom always says that when your visiting someone's house you should bring a gift, lemonade will suffice.

I walk over to the hale house hold faster than I can imagine, don't want to run into yellow eyes again. I knock on the door and I can hear heavy footsteps coming toward the door "hey sweet cheeks" Xander says grabbing my hand "hey" I smile handing him the lemonade "what's this" he ask "pee" I say sarcastically, his yes widen and holds it away "I'm just kidding bonehead it's lemonade" I laugh shoving his shoulder. "Oh good" he breathed in relief. "Where's Bri" I ask looking around. "Oh she's not here" he walked away from me In to there kitchen. "What do you mean she's not here, you said she wanted me over" I narrowed my eyes "No I didn't" he put the pitcher on counter getting a glass go pour some "yes you did" I raised my voice a little smiling "lies. Never happened" Xander says still not making eye contact with me pouring him a glass of lemonade "oh I see. Well since she's not here I'll guess I'll leave" I turn around. I walk to the door and he still hasn't stopped me, I don't know why but that hurt a little bit. Just as I grab the door handle I feel two large hands enclose my hips and push me against the door "you're not going anywhere sweet cheeks" Xander growled and whispers in me ear "o-ok" I stutter, his voice was so sexy. He stays there staring in my eyes for a little bit longer and pulls me into the living room. He sits on the coach and pulls me on top of his lap. I squirm trying to get off, and his grip tightens on my waist "Don't. Don't do that" he breathes heavy and I can see his eyes darken. "Are you ok" I grab the side of his face caressing his cheek, he looks up and smiles at me "oh I'm just fine". Oye his smile, it's too good. "Want to watch the hockey game with me" he smiles burying his head in my neck, I think he's smelling me again. Weirdo. "What kind of question is that" I push his head away. "Alright stupid question on my part" he chuckles and clicks the tv to the Carolina hurricanes vs Pittsburg penguins. Ha good luck canes.

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