Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: what do you know, another blush.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes ;)

My 7th hour is my favorite class, no not because it's the last class of the day, but because it's my favorite class. TV production. I love this subject, I want to one day work for a production company editing for them, you know like make trailers for a movie or something. I look over at Xander who Is once again watching me carefully tapping his foot up and down and Mr. Ben explains our new project. We have to remake a a sence shot from shot from a movie of our choice. "Alright I will be assigning you groups so listen carefully" he starts, he's list about 3 groups before getting to mine "Brianna, Stacy, Trent, and Xander" well what a pleasant surprise. "Alright, I want you all to get with you group and discuss what movie sence you will be reacting". My group slide over to my table while Xander causally strolls over, I can't help but look at the way his muscles pop from his shirt. Focus kath focus.

I think he sees me checking him out because he smirks at me winking. Keep it together Katherine. Trent and Stacy sit on the other side of me leaving the only other seat that's open next to me for Xander. "So what movie do y'all want to do" Stacy ask folding her golden hair behind her ear and pushing up her brown classes. "I say we do sifi movie" Trent says, he's your typical nerd pale skin zits here and there perfectly combed brown silk hair, he's quite though. "Sifi?" I ask "ya, so many good sifi movies out there" he say excitedly "but sifi movies have a lot of technology involved in the production of there movies" Stacy starts "we don't have those resources" she finishs. That is true. "Any better ideas" he says, "how about a romance" Stacy ask. Both boys groan causing me to laugh. "How about we do a secne that involves a school, that way we can use the school as our set" I say "actually that's good idea" Stacy and Trent say together leaving a silent Xander, as usual. "Any movie suggestions" Trent's says. "Well there's lots of movies that involve schools" I start "got any ideas xander" I say looking at him. "Mhm" was all I got "I'm sorry can you repeat that" "No" he said. Well fine them mr. Attitude. "How about mean girls" Stacy ask. "That would work if we had more girls" I shake my head. She nods in agreement. "How about grease? You said you like to sing Katherine." Stacy says, she's right I do like I sing and Iove grease "I guess, I don't mind but what sence would we do?" I question "mhmm, how about the part where the sing summer nights" Stacy says "I love that song, but that's a male and a female. Who would sing that male part" I look between Trent and Xander "don't even think about it" Xander says rolling his eyes. "What's the matter is going to damage your reputation" I smirk and Xander "I don't sing and I don't dance" he said narrowing his eyes at me "come on can't you stop playing that tuff guy act for one class period, it's not like anyone is going to see it". He narrowed is eyes even more before he says "I'll think about it" and we leave at that as the bell rings. "Katherine can I see you after class" Mr. Ben says "oh-sure thing" I gather my stuff and head to his desk. Xander studied me carefully before exiting the classroom. "Yes mr. Ben" I say "I have a job offer for you" he smiles at me "you see, I film all the schools events" I nod "but I have a newborn now and it's hard to make it to all the events" he paused and I nod again " I was looking through your files and saw you experience with cameras and I was wondering if you could help me film the events I can't, I'm willing to pay you" he finishs. He's right I did have experience with cameras, I used to film my old school basketball games and football games. "Well congrats on the new born, and I would love job" "thank you so much, you're a lifesaver" he smiles, I smile back writing down my information so he can contact me when I'm needed. "Alright have a good day Katherine, I'll contact you when I need you". "Bye Mr. Ben" I call out leaving the room.

We must have been talking for awhile because the parking lot is pretty vacant, only a few cars here and there. I walk to my car and turn but look to my left towards the woods and stop walking when I see a man in a black hood stairing at me "hello" I call out but a big truck passes by and the guy is gone. Well that was weird. I turn my head back around to start walking but come face to chest, causing me to hit my nose. Jesus who ever this is have a chest made of steel. "Sorry" i say looking up, oh well look who it is "can I help you" I say rudely I did not like his attitude earlier. "What are you doing here" he ask mimicking me "I don't have time for this Xander" I try pushing past his beast like frame, but he steps infront of me blocking my path. " I want to take you out, sweet cheeks" my face burst in red probably matching my hair. "No thanks" I say finally getting past him and opening my car door but is quickly shut by his huge hand. "No?" He questions "yes"

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