Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 : One day

Sorry for any grammar mistakes ;)

Sooo sorry for the wait, things have been hectic this week, thanks for the patients.

Pretty long update. Enjoy 😚

My eyes peer open due to the bright light shinning through my window. I sit up and stretch my rested muscles. I feel so refreshed, that has to be the best sleep I've had in long time. My phone buzzes on the night stand signaling that I have gotten at text. 'Kyle and I went to the gym, we will see you late' Travis texted me I sent a quick k and head to the bathroom.

Walking downstairs and hear something in the kitchen, probably mom. "Mom can you-" but it sure as hell wasn't mom I was looking at, I was looking at the certain tall, lean dark hair grey eyes man. "Xander what are you doing here" "well good morning to you too sweet cheeks" he said smiling drinking the milk out of OUR milk carten. Last nights memories flooded through my head remembering how Xander refused to leave my room last night, how he showered in MY shower and how he slept In MY bed with me. Oh my god. Xander hale slept in my bed. Apart of me is jumping up and down with happiness and i don't now why. "It's bad enough that you forced me to let you stay last night, but now you're going to drink the milk from the jug"! I yell at him "oh so we do remember about last night" he smirks wiggling his eyebrows "yes I remember how you just invited yourself to my house, use my shower, refuse to leave, sleep in my bed, and is now drinking my milk" I put my hands on my hips. "You forgot the part where you wouldn't let go of me all night" he winked "you're lying" I blush. "It true sweet cheeks, you feel asleep and not to long after that you snuggled your way into my arms" he smiled coming closer to me. I take a step back "how am I suppose to believe that" I shake me head. Why do I want it to be true? "Well..." He said reaching for his phone, he on locks and swipes through his phone. I can't help but stare at his fingers, there so long and full looking, thinking of that dream and what he did with those fingers I blush a hard blush. "I thought you might not believe me, that's why I have this" he showed me his phone and my heart fluttered, in a good and bad way. On Xander's phone was a picture of me wrapping my arms around his brood chest and and him wrapping his around my back, I'm practically on top of him. My face broke out in hives and I'm sure I look like I got sunburnt. "You just looked so comfortable and felt so good in my arms, I just could move you" he laughed, oh my my my what is this boy doing to me! I should just have a permanent blush on my face. "You're cute when you blush" he cupped my cheek burning my eyes with his. "Stop it" I pushed his hand away and started to walk up stairs all I heard was him laughing "nice shorts" he said at the bottom of my steps, I stop half way and look at my shorts. My face broke out In red when I see the tight mikey mouse booty shorts. Seeing my discomfort Xander started to laugh once again. "Go get dressed, I'm taking you out for breakfast I'll be back In 10 min" he shouts slamming my door before I could respond.

Do I really want to go? Do I want to hang out with Xander. Yes. As much as I don't want want to admit it. Something about him just keeps pulling me toward him. His eyes, his hair, his body, his smile it's just all so addictive. What the actual freak am I saying. I jolt out of my thoughts receiving a text from Brianna

'You're going out with Xander?'

I hesitated, what do I say?

'Yes' I texted flatly

'Please be careful Kathy, I don't want to see you get hurt'

She sounded a bit mad but atleast she's not saying I can't go. At least she cares.

Running upstairs I jump in a quick shower. I place my undergarments on and head to my closet. Only I wasn't expecting a tall Xander laying down on my bed. What is he doing here. "Wow sweet cheeks, at least let me take you out first" his eyes darken. I hide behind the bathroom door "GET OUT!" I yell at him making him chuckle "and miss that show again? No way" he says In a duh like tone. "Xander get out or I WILL NOT go out today" I narrow my eyes at him. "Fine, but not because you said so, because I don't want to sit around and wait" he says walking out the door "yea ok" I say sarcastically "what was that sweet cheeks" he walks back it "NOTHING, get out" I yelled back earning another amazing laugh.

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