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"Mouse! Got something?" Voight was standing by his doorway, feeling anxious and desperate. Even after six cups of coffee, he was still exhausted. He felt guilty for thinking about sleep when his daughter is still out there. Alone, tired and terrified.
Erin has been gone for three days and he desperately needs his daughter in his arms. His mind was looping through all sorts of vicious thoughts. He obviously didn't want to, he needed to stay positive, but somehow he couldn't stop.

Mouse swallowed the lump in his throat. He was hesitant to answer. Scared that Voight wouldn't be pleased with the news he've got. Which was nothing for a matter of fact. After hours of running Esteban Solis's picture through facial recognition against security cameras around the city, they still got nothing. Now that almost all the police officers in the city were after him, he, all of a sudden, was camera shy.

"Umm...I hav-" he began to say just as a notification popped up on his screen. "Thank god!" he exclaimed.
"We finally got a hit on that BOLO I put out on Esteban Solis. He was last sighted at corner of Madison and Pulaski." Mouse informed. "He could've been making a drop."

"But that's stupid." Adam blurted, "He knows the cops are after him, why's he making deals."
"Simple. He IS stupid." Olinsky said. "Esteban isn't like his brother. He's not as smart and meticulous as Carlos...Since he's the baby, he probably wants to prove to his brother that he's capable to running the business."

Voight glanced at his watch, he needs to come up with a plan and quick. "Al, take Atwater and check it out. Tail him if you have to."
"Two of you." he pointed at both Antonio and Adam, "My office."

They walked into his office, wondering why they were called in. "What's up, boss?"
"Dawson. Get in touch with one of your CIs." he knew Antonio has an informant who was in business with Solis and she's their only hope in finding his whereabouts. They need to get Esteban on record, spilling information on his brother. The only way in finding Erin is to find Carlos.

Antonio shook his head, "I can't, Voight. I promised that was the last."
Voight banged his fists on his desk, "I don't care!! We'll pay her double! Triple! I'll pay out of my pocket if I have to!" he was desperate and they were now out of options.
Antonio nodded and started going through his contacts.

"Ruzek. Get Burgess ready."
Adam narrowed his eyes as he pieced together Voight's plan. "With all due respect, Sarge, no."
Slowly, Voight got up from his seat, never taking his eyes off of Adam for even a second. He knew it was selfish of him to endanger another officer's life but at the same time, he knew Kim's very much capable of taking care of herself.

"Now you listen to me, lover boy." he got up to his face, inches away from his nose.
"It's been three days now...Three days. And we still got nothing. As a cop, you should know her chances...If you care about Erin like you say you do, you will get Burgess ready." he nodded and walked back to his seat.

"Fine. If something goes wrong, I'm blaming you."


Erin screamed. A loud, high-pitched, blood curdling scream. Or at least that's what she thought she did as her mind replayed the events of last night over and over again. She shouldn't have let him done that to her. She should've put up more of a fight. She should've at least tried. She should've alerted the authorities back at the airport. But that would mean losing Jay. If she had, last night wouldn't have happened. She'd still be in Chicago. Unharmed and untouched. Now, she regretted her decision. She had sacrificed herself for his safety. 

She laid on the far end of the bed, battered and broken. Sobbing in pain and self pity. Not wanting to imagine how ugly and disgusting she looked. With the amount of blood mixing with her tears, she knows she's beyond repair.

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