Chapter 16

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Alison slowly wakes up from her much needed nap. She feels one arm being wrapped around her middle protectively and breathing on her neck. She smiles as she realizes it's Emily and places her hand over hers, slightly grazing it.

It's a small peaceful moment that wouldn't have much meaning to any other person, but to Alison it means everything. It's the most beautiful moment she had in weeks. The fact that you can wake up in the woman's arms that you've grown to love, throughout all the obstacles.

One of them happening right now. Alison thinks about their conversation they had yesterday. It lasted for hours.

"Emily can you please just talk to me?" Alison begs getting really impatient with the brunette. She hasn't spoken to her for the past hour, she only looked at the little paper in her hand.

"Your mother." Emily crooks out and Alison looks up surprised. But Emily doesn't look at her, she just puts the paper out so Alison can take it. Alison walks over cautiously, feeling as if she's about to walk in a trap.

She wants to know what's on the paper, but she realizes that after she read it she probably wants to forget it. Once she read the letter she wouldn't be able to escape it anymore, or ignore it. She takes the paper from Emily's arm who still has a tight grip on it. Probably still doubting if she should let Alison read it.

"What a shame," Alison starts looking over to Emily over the paper. "You were just to late, you didn't actually think you were going to have your happy ending did you?" Alison says but stops. "Emily don't listen to her, she's ju-" but Alison gets interrupted by Emily, "just read it."

So Alison continues, this time in her head. "I don't Know what you and my daughter think you have but let me remind you of what you are. You are nothing compared to her, you two are too different from each other. Would you really risk that for someone who is the same as you? Your own daughter.

What kind of mother would you be then? I only want the best for Alison and we both know that you aren't. So I'll make you a deal, call me tonight when Alison doesn't see you. Tomorrow we can meet, you give me Alison and I'll give you everything you ever wanted. A nice life, far far away from here. A chance to start over again, with enough money and your daughter.

Phone me!: (925)809-5482

"What are you going to do?" Alison crooks out. Emily just shrugs.

"Emily talk to me, we can come up with a plan. We can go over there and get her back." Alison says in one breath turning her back on Emily. "Ali-" "no we can fix this, we can get her."

"Ali-" Emily tries again but she gets cut off again. "We just need a plan, a simple plan."
"Alison!" Emily says now raising her voice at the blonde who looks shocked at her.

"She won," Emily whispers. "But I've got a plan." Alison looks at her, expecting for her to continue.

She feels Emily shifting weight on the bed, waking her up from her daydream. "Good morning." Alison says turning around being met by Emily with an adorable morning face. "Morning." Emily gets up from the bed, for some reason she can't really look Alison in the eye. "You want some breakfast?" Emily asks, "I could run to the store."

Alison gives a small nod, getting up from the bed too. "It's very cold wear something warm." Alison instructs as she sees Emily getting dressed. She comes up from behind to Emily wanting nothing more to crawl back in Emily's arms. But she notices Emily's discomfort. "Em it's going to be okay." As a response Emily just simply nodded taking the blonde in her arms for a few seconds. "I know, I'll be back soon." Emily says as she quickly gets her phone and some money before walking out the door. Leaving Alison and her thoughts alone.

A hour alter Alison is quite disturbed, Emily still hasn't retrieved from the shop. Did she went for a longer run? Would her mother have found her? Has she run away? Was the store closed? Alison throws her phone on the bed, after Emily once again didn't pick up her phone. You're thinking to much, Alison mentally scolds herself as she looks outside the window. Then she sees Emily running, feeling relieved she opens the window wide away. "Emily." She screams and waves enthusiastic as Emily eyes are searching for hers. A smile breaks out on Emily's face as she sees the blonde, hanging half out of the window.

She waves Alison over with a smile on her face, "Come on' the weather is lovely." After the conversation they had Alison can't help but felt relieved. Many things had to happen yet, many things had to be discussed but now wasn't the time for it.

Emily is surprised when Alison nods and closes the window, ready to go outside. She didn't expect Alison would buy her story, because lez be honest the weather was fucking cold.

"Em you've been gone since forever." Alison says worried as she sees her standing their on her own, in the cold. There's no response as Emily is standing their with her arms crossed. The smile that was on her face just minutes ago turned into a face with no emotion, Emily won't even look her in the eye.

Alison comes closer to her, moving her hands up and down on Emily's arm to make it warmer for her. "It's fucking cold, why don't we watch a movie inside and come up with a plan so the three of us can go."

"Ali, I already made up a plan, I told you I did." Emily says slow swallowing the big gulp in her throat. She tries to show no emotion toward Alison but it's getting harder and harder every second.

"Great," she puffs out, seeing the damp come from her mouth due the cold, "well let's discuss it in the warm hotel room, since you haven't told me your master plan yet."

"You want me to inform you on it?" Alison hears a voice behind her and she immediately recognizes it.

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