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Hi everyone this is Kim and I was requested by @Mimi_WasHere to give advice to people being bullied.

This is a sensitive subject for me because I was bullied a lot as a kid so I can relate to anyone being bullied. I was constantly called names because of the size of my butt, it was so horrible.

I was also bullied after I released my sex tape.

The first thing I should suggest is to tell an adult, most bullies are people like you and me so if they get in trouble they might feel bad and stop. But if the harassing continues then there are some things you can do to stop the bully yourself.

You can try and ignore the bully. Some people just like to get a reaction out of you so if they don't get a reaction out of you they won't mess with you anymore.

If all fails write a note saying if they don't stop fucking with you, that someone will burn them to death and put the note in their locker. 

I hope this helps your bullying problems :)- Love Kim

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