What to do if you ever meet Kim Kardashian

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You're taking a stroll in LA and you hear a bunch of commotion.

So naturally you walk down the street and turn the corner to see what all of the commotion is.

And the sight before you is Kim Kardashian walking to a Limo and she is surrounded in paparazzi.

Kim comes up to you and tells you to go in her limo with her, what should you do?


What no one knows is that Kim is really 500 years old. She has been absorbing people in her ass since the medieval ages.

Kim stays young by luring people into her traps and She literally sucks them into her ass and drains the nutrients out of them.

So if Kim ever offers you candy, run. Hide your kids and Hide your wife.

You're welcome for the warning.

 Vote if you would run from Kim, Comment if you would take the candy

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