An Unexpected Journey

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Tears rushed down my face, full of anger and disappointment. I didn’t even remember probably the greatest night of my life because I was too drunk? But knowing that he came back for me, and found me, even after all these years, gave me all the comfort I needed. I looked up at his crystal eyes and said, “Thank you”.

He looked back at me with care and replied, “What for love?”

I wiped the tears from running down my cheek. “Thank you for seeing me for who I really am. Nobody has seen that in me for the longest time.” 

He gave me a sweet half-smile and squeezed my hand. “Don’t thank me love, thank you. That night, I felt a connection with you that I haven’t felt with anyone else. There’s something truly amazing about you. And I want to get to know it.”

I was shocked and speechless with happiness. “But-But what good is it that I cant even remember that special night?  I was drunk. What if you don’t like the real me?”

“Love, I saw the real you in your eyes that night at the concert. And I don’t like the real you, I love the real you.”

I couldn’t take this any longer. Maybe this would jog my memory. I leaned over and kissed him, just like I had supposedly done that night. One of his hands slid to my waist as we kissed, and he laid me down on the couch. He paused for a minute and looked down at me. And as he brushed my cheek with his hand gently, he murmured, “You are so beautiful.”

I kissed him back even harder, and I pulled him in even closer. My hand caressed his soft face and once we broke away, I just stared at his beauty in awe and uncertainty. How long would he stay here before he had to go back to his famous life, making music, being on television, meeting more beautiful women. I was probably just a pit stop on the way. Almost like he could see the thoughts rushing through my eyes, he said, “I have a flight to London tomorrow, early morning. I wanted to ask you formally if you would come with me.”

Going to London had always been a dream of mine, let alone to go with Ed.

“O-of course! I’ll call in sick to the office for a couple days”, I exclaimed, nervous and excited at the same time.

His eyes lit up in a beautiful, happy way. “Don’t worry about packing much. My management has got you covered.”

I chuckled, “Yeah I’ve probably met a lot of them but I was too drunk to remember.”

He laughed, “Oh yes, my manager Stuart said you were quite a charmer.”

I blushed. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

Ed took both my hands and said, “This is going to be quite a journey.”

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