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I open my eyes and find myself looking over at Charlie, he is sound asleep next to me on a little bed he made beside my beach chair. I notice he had moved the tent over and now we have it to protect us from the sun. I look and see that he is still wearing his black hoodie, and he fell asleep with the hood up. He looks so peaceful. I say in the back of my mind. I slowly drift off back to sleep. Charlie awakes with a violent shake and he wakes up startled. He realizes he hasn't had a fix since the day of the crash, so he gets up and walks toward the woods. He walks on a muddy path and turns right to go behind a tree. He pulls out a little baggy with heroin in it and realizes its the last use he has. He quickly puts it in his mouth and throws the baggy on the ground.

"What are you doing Charlie?" John asks as he looks at him with a disappointed look.
"Nothing."Charlie says in a quick and anxious tone.
"You don't have to tell me, I already saw." John says as he walks toward Charlie.
"What are you doing out here?" Charlie asks trying to change the subject.
"I'm hunting for boar." John answers.
"That's nice." Charlie says not caring.
"Charlie, where are the rest of your drugs?" John asks.
"What do you mean?" Charlie asks frantically.
"Was that all of them?" John asks again.
"Yes." Charlie says seriously.
"Well, pretty soon you'll be suffering from withdraw, I'll help you through it." John says.
"I'm just a junkie." Charlie says depressingly.
"No your not, which is why I want to help you." John says. You deserve a chance.

They stumble upon virgin Mary dolls scattered across the ground.

"What the." Charlie says as he picks one up and accidentally drops it. A little bag of heroin drops out of it.

Charlie goes to reach for it and John grabs his wrist.

"What did I tell you, I'll help you." John says.
"Why, should you help me?" I don't need to be helped. Charlie says sadly.
"Because someone that is here on the island loves you and doesn't want to loose you." John says.
"What do you mean?" No one gives a shit about me on this god damn island! Charlie says
"Lilly, does." John says looking at the ground as he moves his foot in the mud.
"What are you talking about?" Charlie asks.
"I said too much." John says as he begins to walk away from Charlie and Charlie follows.
"Oh, I see so you want to help me, but you can't tell me why you think Lilly cares about me." Charlie says sarcastically.
"You'll figure it out." John says as he smiles.

Charlie walks back over to the virgin Mary dolls.

John sees him and walks over toward him. He gathers the Mary dolls and the little baggy of heroin.

"Give those back!" Charlie demands as John walks faster.

"You don't want to become clean?" John asks.
"No, there's no point." Charlie says.
"Do it for Lilly." John says.

Charlie stops following him and walks back to the camp.

I wake up about an hour later and see that Charlie is gone. I get up even though I'm not suppose to and I walk around the beach. I see John coming out of the woods in the distance with what looks like several virgin Mary dolls. I walk toward him and he looks at me with a concerning look.

"Your not suppose to be up." John says in a concerning tone.
"What the hell are those?" I ask confusingly rubbing my eyes.
"Just dolls." John says.

I look at his right hand and I see he is holding a bag of drugs.

"Why are you carrying drugs in your hand?" I ask.
"Do you really want to know?" John says.
"Yes." I say.
"Well I saw Charlie in the woods taking heroin." John says sadly.
"Don't you inject it though?" I ask.
"You also can take it by oral." John informs me.
"So he's a druggy!?" I yell.
"Well I wouldn't call it that." John says.
"So are those dolls full of it?" I ask.
"Yes, I'm hiding them from Charlie until he gets better." John says.
"Wow, this changes everything..." I say sadly and walking away from John.

I pack my stuff up and close my beach chair. I walk out of the tent carrying my stuff and I see Charlie walking toward me.

"Where are you going?" Why are you up? What are you doing? Charlie asks me.
"Somewhere else." I say.
"Why?" He asks confusingly.
"Your a heroin attic." I say looking dead at him and continuing to pack my stuff up.

Charlie silently doesn't say anything and I continue to walk away. He slowly follows me and grabs my shoulder.

"I'm getting better." Charlie says.
"I'll believe it when I see it." I say heart brokenly and I continue my walk up the beach.

Charlie storms away and he goes to confront John. He walks to Johns tent and sees John hiding the Mary dolls in a hole.

"Why did you tell her!" Charlie yells.
"She needed to know." John says as he puts a Mary doll in the hole.

Charlie sprints over and tackles John, knocking the tent down. He punches John twice and John gets on top of him, putting him in a headlock.

"Taking your angry out on me, isn't going to solve anything." John says.

Charlie calms down and John let's go.

"I'm sorry John." Charlie say apologetically.
"I know you are, but I will help you." John says.

John puts his hand on Charlie's shoulder.

Charlie walks away back to his tent.

I set my things down close to a guy named Sawyers tent

"Well hello there pucker lips." Sawyer calls me.

I look at him with a weird look.

"I thought Charlie was your boy? How come your over here now? He asks

I just found out he uses heroin."
"Oh man..." Sawyer says.

I silently stand there.

Well you can move in with me, there's plenty room!

"No, I'm fine I'll build my own tent." I say.
"Ah come on, I don't bite." He says smiling at me.
"Yeah, well all you want to do is bang every girl you see." I say looking at him angrily and seriously.
"Alright let me know, if you change your mind." He says smiling again as winks and walks in to his tent.

I walk up the beach and grab rope and a tarp. I slowly make my tent and move my stuff in. I open my beach chair and lay down staring at the blues tarp. I start to cry and put my hands on my face. I silently cry and I hear someone say my name.

"Lilly?" A voice calls out from my tent.
"Yes?" I say as I wipe away my tears and I see Jack enter my tent.
"Hey, I'm coming to check on you." What's wrong? Jack asks me.
"Charlie." I say sniffling.
"What about him?" Jack says as he sits down next to me on the sand.
"I had to move away out the tent because he uses heroin." I say sadly.
"Its going to be okay." Jack says looking at me.
"No its not, I really like him." I blurt out loud not even caring about if he hears me or not.

Charlie walks by the tent and hears me and Jack talking about him.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!♥

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