The Breakup

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"She's coming with us." Jack says defending me and trying not to argue.
"You don't get to make the bloody decisions around here!" Charlie yells.
"He's not, I'm going with him." You don't either, I make my own decisions! I say defending Jack.
"No you're not." Charlie argues.
"Yes, I am, I'm not going to sit here and just be a couple with you on the beach, I want to help and to do something for once I want people to see that I can survive." I want to be a hero and be important!
"Fine." Charlie says as he turns his back.
"Oh and Charlie?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He answers.

I rip the seashell necklace off my neck and put it in his hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm done." I say.
"What?" Charlie says devastated.
"I can't trust you, our relationship is based on lies I need someone who will be one hundred percent honest with me no matter what." I'm sorry. Our personalities don't go together were always fighting and you're too clingy and over protective of me. I don't think I'm ready for this, I don't think I need this.

I turn my back and I follow Jack back to the beach to go get the group.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I hear him yell.
"You didn't have to do that." Jack says looking at me.
"It was for the best, I need someone to fix me, not break me more than I am. I'm done trying to fix someone because I won't fix myself."
"I know how you feel." He says.
"Come again?" I ask.
"I'm a surgeon, I fix people and help them because I can't fix myself." He admits.
"I guess that's what we have in common." I guess the only reason why I want to help is to have other people appreciate me and that makes me feel a whole lot better. I say.
"I know what you mean, it makes you feel good to do something to help someone else because you know what it's like to feel helpless and so it makes you smile to help someone." He says.
"You know, you're more than a surgeon you're also a therapist." I say.

Jack chuckles.

"What I mean it." I smile.

We head to the beach and get Kate, Sayid, Sawyer and we load up.

"Why is she with us?" I hear her ask Jack.
"We need her, she's a good aim." Also I trust her. Jack says.
"Did she ask to come?" Kate asks.
"Yeah." Why? Jack asks.
"Well, maybe she's only coming because she's trying to get with Sawyer." Kate says.
"What?" I say as I stop in my tracks.
"You were listening?" Kate asks.
"Of course, you really think I tag along to mess around with him and you know that I don't like him." What kind of person do you think I am?
"Why are you being so defensive?" She argues with me.
"I'm not here to argue, seriously stop starting drama I'm not in the mood." I say seriously.
"Ladies stop fighting over me." Sawyer says smiling.
"Wow, can we just get on with this already." I say as I look around at everyone with my hands up in the air.
"I agree we should keep moving bef-"

Sayid gets cut off.

Suddenly we hear shooting and we all duck down.

"I think they're here." I say.

Jack hands me a gun.

"Jack you know, I don't know how to shoot!" I whisper.
"Well you're going to have to try." He whispers back.
"I'm scared." I quietly say.
"Count down to five with me." He asks.
"Why?" I ask.
"Just do it." He says.
"Okay." I say.
"1..." Jack says.
"2..." I say.
"3..." He says.
"4..." I say.
"5..." He says.

Now what you want to do is look through the scope, aim and keep this arm holding the back and make sure the gun isn't directly in your chest because it kicks back.

"Okay." I say.
"Now, breath it's going to be okay."

I take a deep breath in and I get a feeling of determination.

I kneel close to Jack and I see someone ahead pointing a gun at him, I quickly look through the scope and I shoot the guy right in the chest.

Jack turns and looks at me and smiles.

I smile back.

I see another guy in the distance and I quickly aim and shoot him in the head.

"Oh god." I quietly say to myself.

All of a sudden we see a guy come out with a woman with a bag over her head.

"Everyone, stop shooting!" I think that's Sun! Jack yells.

We listen and look ahead.

"Now, if you want her alive I need you guys to come out and surrender your self's." A man says

"What are we going to do Jack?" I ask as I look at him.
"He's bluffing." Jack says loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"I'm not bluffing." The man says as he pulls out a gun and hold it to her head.

I put down my gun and I walk out the bushes with my hands up.

Jack follows behind me and everyone else.

We see guys come out of every direction and they twist tie our wrists.

"Take them to the camp." Oh and put bags over their heads. The man says.

We get dragged to the camp with bags over our heads.

We finally come to a stop and they rip the bag off my head.

I look around and I'm in a hut with the guy that put a gun to Sun's head.

"Hello, Lilly." The mans says.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Benjamin Linus." He says.
"How do, you know my name?" I ask.
"Oh we know all of your names." He says.
"What do you want from me?" I ask angrily.
"You guys are very strong hardworking people, so I'm going to assign different jobs for you all to do." He says smiling.
"What if I don't do them?" I say.
"Then you will pay the consequence." He says.
"Go ahead you can do anything to me." I say as I lean forward and give a sharp grin.
"Oh, you're not the one who's going to be getting hurt, you will be responsible for it however." He states.

I look away and avoid eye contact.

"You are going to like it here." He says.

I stay silent and I don't respond to the rest of his questions. About a half and hour later Ben brings Jack in with me and leaves the hut.

"Hey Jack." I say.
"Hey Lilly, how you holding up?" He asks me.
"Pretty okay I guess, wishing I knew what this was about." I say.
"Me too." He says.
"Did they tell you anything?" I ask.
"I asked how he knew my name and asked why am I here." He said he knows all of our names and that were here to do work. He says.
"That's what he told me." I say.
"I wonder if everyone else is okay." He asks.
"Yeah me too." I have a bad feeling about this. I say.

Thank you all so much for reading/ commenting and voting! I really hope you liked this chapter. Will they escape? Will they all survive? Who will save them? Stick around to find out!

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