Setting Up The Camp

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The next day.

"I don't want to rest here all day." I say, starting to get up.
"No, no, no." What did Jack say, you have to rest, you can't be moving around. Charlie says getting up and trying to prevent me from getting up. He grabs my arms.
"Stop." I say struggling to get up, but his force is too strong. I stop struggling and just lay there.
"Am I going to have to strap you down?" Charlie says teasing and letting go of my arms.
"No." I say looking at him. I look in to his blue eyes and blankly stare. I come to realize I really like him.
"You okay?" Charlie asks me in a concerning tone.
"Yes, I'm fine." I say.
"You need anything?" Charlie asks.

I think to myself "you", but I keep that hidden in my mind.

"No, I'm okay." why do you want to take care of me? I ask.
"Well someone needs to and Jack is busy with the other patients so I figured I'd be in charge of you, I maybe no doctor, but I certainly can handle taking care of you." Charlie says.
"You're so sweet." I blurt out by accident and blush in shock.

Charlie smiles.

"I'm going to go find my luggage, do you want me to find yours?" Charlie asks.
"No, you don't have to." I say.
Charlie walks away and walks over to where the luggage is.
"Why did I say that, now he's going to think I'm a completed weirdo." I say out loud to my self.

John over hears me as he stands there with his arms crossed smiling.

"I couldn't help over hear you say, your a complete weirdo?" John says startling me and walking toward me.
"I guess you heard that." I say awkwardly. John sits next to me.
"I see you like Charlie." John says grinning.
"What!" No! I say denying it.
"That look in your eyes, tells me that you do." John says pointing at me.
"Okay, fine I do so what?" I say crossing my arms.
"Well, your secret is safe with me." John says smiling and getting up to walk away.
"How do I know if I can trust you?" I say as he turns his back. John turns around.
"You don't." John says smiling and continues walking away. Soon as he walks away, I see Charlie carrying a familiar luggage and a non recognizable one.
"What were you and John talking about?" Charlie asks.
"Just the crash, that's all." I say lying to him.
"I believe this is your luggage." Charlie says gently setting it on my lap.
"Thank you, you didn't have to go through the trouble looking for it." I say.
"Well, I just wanted to make you feel a little more better and comfortable." Charlie says.

I smile at him.

"I couldn't find my guitar case." Charlie says disappointedly.
"I'm sure its around here somewhere." I say hopefully.

Charlie sets his case down next to my beach chair. I look through my case and see everything is in order. I set it down next to his and lay there looking at the sky. I try not to stare at the sun, but the sky it too bright.

"You shouldn't be laying in the sun like this, well most of us shouldn't be." He says looking around. I have an idea, I'm going to go search for some supplies to try to build a shelter. Charlie says.
"No, Charlie I'm fine really." I say.

He doesn't listen and he walks away looking for supplies to build our shelter. Jack comes over and stands over me.

"Let's check to see if you are still dehydrated." Jack says.

He looks at my lips and sees they are pink and not white.

Well good news, is that you aren't dehydrated anymore. Have you eaten anything? Jack asks
"No." I say.
"Well you need to put some food in to you in order to gain back your blood that you lost." He says.
"Okay." I say.

He grabs my arm gently and unwraps it. He looks at the stitches and sees they are still in and I'm not bleeding anymore.

"Well this looks good." Jack says as he wraps my arm back up. Where is Charlie? he asks.
"He went to look for supplies to build us a tent shelter thing." I say.
"Well, I'll go grab some fruit for you." Jack says.

Jack goes over to where the fruit pile is, that just has been picked this morning. He grabs a couple and hands them to me.

Here you go. He says and smiles.
"Thank you." I say.
"Do you have plenty of water?" Jack asks.
"Yes." I say.
"Okay, well looks like everything is taken care of." Jack says and smiles

He walks away back over to his patient. Charlie comes back a few moments later with his hands full of supplies.

"Okay, I found some ropes tarp and I gathered a few pieces of timber." Charlie says.

I take a bite of an apple and look at him.

Who got you that?
"Jack came by and checked to see if I was okay, he gave me a few fruits to help get my strength up." I say.
"Well, that's good." Its gonna be a pain trying to build this thing. Charlie says staring confusingly at the supplies.
"Well you don't have to build it." I say taking another bite out of the apple.

Charlie doesn't listen to me and attempts to build the tent. He struggles getting it up and throws it down in frustration.

"Need a hand?" A heavy set man with brown, curly hair walks over toward Charlie.
"Yes, I need help with this stupid bloody tent." Charlie says in a UK accent.
"The names Hurly by the way, but people call me Hugo." He says as he helps Charlie lift the tarp up.
"My name is Charlie he says smiling at Hugo."

"Who's the lucky lady over there?" Hugo says smiling.
"Oh, she's just a friend I'm taking care of." Charlie says smiling. looking over at Lilly.
"Do you like her dude?" Hugo asks.
"We just met." Charlie says.
"So you can still like her." Hugo nudges Charlie on his arm.
"Um.." Charlie says.
"You do!" Hugo says loudly.
"SHHHH!" Charlie says.
"You don't want her to know?" Hugo says.
"No!" Of course not, she might think I am a loser. Charlie says.
"Come on dude, you're not a loser." Hugo says smiling.

They finish with the tent.

"Thanks for your help Hugo." Charlie says.
"No problem dude, make sure you tell her." Hugo says.
"No." Charlie laughs. Hugo smiles and walks away.
Well, we finished the tent over there.
"It looks nice" I say taking one last bite of the apple and finishing it.

Thank you so much for reading so far I really hope you like this story let me know what you think by commenting and be sure to vote if you like it!<3

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