All Alone and Out of Hope

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I sit alone in the water cave. It's gotten dark. I think over and over about what I have done and I still don't regret it.

"I wonder if John would ever come back for me." I say sadly.

I write a note and I leave the water cave. I load up on my knives that I've collected and got from John and I also take my gun. I head out back in to the jungle in the search for the rest of my group.

Desmond's POV

I think to myself, why would Lilly say that about Penny? Then it hits me, she likes me and I guess she didn't know about Penny. I should go back for her, maybe she's dead maybe she needs me. I keep having these thoughts in my head and now i'm overwhelmed. What do I do, John said to let go of Penny. Is it time to move on?

"Desmond, Desmond!", John says.
"Huh, oh hey John.", I say snapping out of my racing thoughts.
"You okay, do you need a break from steering?", John asks.
"Yeah, I guess I could use a break." I say
"What's wrong?", John asks.
"I just feel like I need and should go back for Lilly." I say.
"Why is that?". John asks.
"I don't know." I say.
"Well, she told me to tell you that she loves you." John says.
"What?" I ask.
"When I was talking to her she told me to tell you." John says smiling.

"That's it." I say.
"What?" John says.
"She needs me." I say.
"So you're going back?" John asks.
"I have to." I say.
"How are you going to do that?" John asks.
"Like this." I say.

I grab a life jacket and put it on. I dive off the boat and in to the water.

Jack and the rest hear a loud splash and they run to the side. They see me swim.

"What are you doing, Desmond?!" Jack yells.
"I'm getting Lilly back." I say.

I swim and swim and I get farther from the boat.

Lilly's POV

I walk and walk and I find Sawyer and the rest.

"Hey, pucker lips where's the Jack and the rest?" Sawyer asks.
"They left, on a boat." I say.
"What!?" they escaped off the island!?
"Yes." I say.
"You didn't go with them?" Sawyer says.
"Nope." I say.
"Why?" Sawyer asks.
"Forget about it." I say.
"I think I see the others." Kate whispers.
"What are you guys going to do, kill him?" I ask.
"Yes." Sayid says.
"I'm no part of this." I say as I walk away.

Someone comes up behind me and grabs me.

"What the hell?", I scream.

Sawyer sees me getting dragged away by Ben.

"Let her go!" Sawyer says.

Ben pulls out a gun and points it to my head.

"If you try anything, she will die." Ben says.
"Just kill me." I say.

Ben drags me away and I get kidnapped again.

Desmond's POV

I finally swim to shore and I walk to the caves. I arrive in the caves and I see a note.

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