Week 2

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I walk through the jungle, looking around at the beautiful green trees, holding my razor sharp machete closely. I walk slowly on the dirt path. I search around for Charlie's guitar. I suddenly hear a rushing of water and walk faster toward it. I peer through the trees, moving some brush and not noticing I'm grabbing poison ivy. I find my self starring at a beautiful, light blue sparkling waterfall. I gaze at it for some moments and quickly make my way toward it. I immediately drop my machete and strip off my clothes and reveal my purple bikini and dive in to the water. I open my eyes under the water and search around for Charlie's guitar. I swim deep under and search. With no luck, I don't find Charlie's guitar so I swim back up. I bob my head up and look around. I notice a black guitar case sitting on a ledge under where the water is coming out from the water fall. Bingo. I swim toward it and I climb up the vines. I put one foot on the ledge and almost slip. I save myself and continue moving closer to it. I quickly grab the guitar case and look down. I decide not to climb down so I throw the guitar over to where the ground is. I sit on the ledge swinging my feet. I look down at the beautiful water. One two three! I jump in and I hit the water. I slowly bob up and look at where the guitar case is at. I swim toward land and climb out. I suddenly hear rustling of leaves and I quickly grab my machete. I hold the machete close to me and see a hand poke out of the trees. I see Sawyer come out and look over at me.

"What are you doing out here pucker lips?" He says to me.

"I was looking for Charlie's guitar." I say wringing out my long brown hair with my hands.
"How did you find the waterfall?" He asks.
"I was walking around and heard the rushing of water so I walked to it." I grab my clothes and Charlie's guitar holding my machete in my right hand and I start to walk.
"Woah, woah where are you going?" He asks trying to stop me.
"I'm going back to the caves." I say.
"Don't you want to stay a little longer?" He asks.
"No, not with you here." I say as I start to walk away.
"What is that suppose to mean?" He asks following me.

I ignore him.

He continues to follow me and he grabs my shoulder.

"What's your problem, why do you mess with me so much?" I ask angrily.

He stares at me.

He grabs my face and kisses me.

I pull away quickly and I smack him.

What the hell! You know I'm with Charlie! I yell at him in rage and shock.
"Come on I'm better than that drug user." He says
"He's not a user anymore and he's a better man than you are!" I continue yelling.
"How?" He asks.
"A real man doesn't try to get with another mans girl." I say.

Sawyer goes to grab me and I hold my machete close to his face.

You dare mess with Charlie and me again, I promise I will kill you.

I shove him away and walk away heading back to the cave.

I walk in to the cave and see Charlie. I hide his guitar case behind me.

"Hey, Lilly... Oh you're in your bathe suit." He says.
"Yeah, I found a water fall and I went swimming." I say.

He notices I'm hiding something behind me.

"What's that you're hiding?" He asks.

I pull it out from behind my back and give it to him.

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