Chapter 10 : Car Rides

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The week has pasted by so fast before I knew it, it was Saturday already. During the whole week Luke hasn't even said one word to me. Wait but what if he's going with us on the camping trip. Shit. Why haven't I thought about it earlier. Its a likely chance that he'll be there because Jai and Luke do almost everything together. I need to stop thinking about this and start packing. Jai texted me to come at 12:00pm. Fuck I only have an hour to pack. I shook it off. It was just a kiss and now it's over and probably never gonna happen again.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a couple of outfits, even though we were only staying 1 night. I like the variety, and Australia has been having some bipolar weather lately. I also grabbed 3 magazines and my small makeup bag and shoved it in my regular backpack that I use for school. What's the point of buying a complete different backpack when you're going to use it only once. And carrying a suit case is packing way too much since it is only one night. I dig inside my closet to find my brown cross body bag and put my headphones, 2 granola bars , a bottle of water, my tooth brush, some tooth paste and my phone in there. I guess I'm done packing.

* Ding ding *

It was a message from Ariella

Ariella : Hey are you done packing

Me : Yea , wbu ?

Ariella : Almost, I'll be at your house in 10 minuets k ?

I look at the clock , I still have 30 minuets to spare. To kill some time I open my laptop and go on twitter. I can't help but search up Jai Brooks .

I scrolled down his timeline to see all his tweets.

@JaiBrooks1 : Woooo can't wait to go camping ( 9:57 pm )

I went farther down his timeline and come across another tweet that said

@JaiBrooks1 : I had such an amazing day :)))) ( 8:39 pm )

It was dated from last Friday. Im guess he's talking about our date. Awwww how sweet. My face turned red with joy .

I keep scrolling to see a tweet with Luke tagged in it. I was curious to see what was he tweeting so I clicked on his account. His most recent tweet was from 2 minuets ago.

@luke_brooks : I can't stop thinking about you ( 10:43 am )

@luke_brooks : be mines ( 1:50 am )

@luke_brooks : too many things on my mind to sleep ( 1:38 am )

Who were all these tweets about ? Me ? I need to stop before I get ahead of myself and end up looking like a fool.

* Ding ding *

I walked to my bag and grabbed my phone. It was a message from Ariella.

Ariella : Hey come out side , my mom's going to give us a ride to Jai's house .

Me : k I'm coming

I shut off my laptop and got my backpack, bag and house keys and walked downstairs.

" Bye Mom , Bye Caden ! " I yelled

" Bye sweetie, have fun . Don't forget to put on bug repellant. " Mom reminded me

" Ok ok I have it in my bag " I lied

I just didn't want her to worry

I stepped outside, making sure I locked the door behind me and went to the car.

" Hi Sweet heart " Ariella's mom greeted me as I opened the door

" Hi Mrs.Foster " I said with a smile

I loved Ariella's mom . She was like a second mother to me when my own mother was busy with her own problems. Sometimes i trusted her with my problems more than Ariella , it made sense since she was a psychologist.

" How's your mom and dad ? " She asked

" They've seen better days." I replied

" What happened ? "

" Well they got in a fight and now I don't know where my dad is. My mom just came back from my aunts house about a week ago. "

" She left you kids unsupervised ? I'm going to have to talk to her about this. "

" Don't worry about it, I'm 17 I can take care of myself for a little while. "

" We should get going now " Ariella butted in

" Hmmmm , ok " Ariella's mom said unsure

" Geez sometimes I think she replaces me as a best friend " Ariella whispered to me

" Ahaha I could never replace you " I reassured her

6 minuets later we were at Jai's house

" Have fun girls " Ariella's mom said as we walked out of the car

" Bye mom " Ariella said

I rang the door bell and not too soon Jai opened it

" Hey " he said sweetly

" Hey " Ariella replied

" Hi " I said

He hugged Ariella first then me . He was so warm . I felt so comfortable in his muscular arms.

" Do you guy mind helping us bring the stuff into the van ? " he asked

" Oh not at all " I smiled

It didn't take too long till we were all packed and in the car. Me and Jai sat in way back, Ariella, Skip , and James sat in the seats infront of us and Beau and his girlfriend Karissa. I was relived that I haven't seen the entire time I was helping pack. Maybe he decided not to go. I guess god was playing a prank on me because 10 seconds later Luke came out of the house and opened the car door.

" Wow, you couldn't have got packed earlier so I wouldn't have to get out of the car so you can sit in the back ? " James asked annoyed

" Yup " Luke grinned

" Oh for fuck sakes " James said and got out of the car

Luke pushed the button on James' seat allowing him to move the seat and sit next to me ....

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