Stories Untold

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Romeo POV

"You'll just have to wait and see." A brunette with a flask in her hand said, sitting on the table behind me.

I turned around and so did a few others so they could see.

"What do you mean?" Kagura asked although I could sense that that question had more than one meaning to it.

"What I mean is that thanks to some connections of mine I know the members of Little Crystals not to mention what their planning on doing next performance." We all looked at her with different reactions. Some astonished, some disbelieving, another was disapproval, although I'm not sure what for and then a few of the class just had starry eyes.

"Oh please. Like if you know Little Crystals." Kagura scoffed.

"What's got your panties in a twist Kaggy. You're being rude." Cana smirked playfully.

"But seriously Cana. Do you really know Little Crystals?" Erza asked although I could once again sense a second element to the question.

"Just kidding." She murmured something else under her breath but I couldn't tell what. "Even if I did you wouldn't get any info out'a me." She smirked taking a swig.

"Alright class. Let's continue. Today we'll be going over composition once again since last time a lot of you couldn't grasp the aspect. Now remember, in composition it is important to..."

*Time skip : lunch*

"Guys. I gotta go do some work in the student council room." Mira said standing up.

"Huh? Oh okay then." Juvia acknowledged.

"I'm going to the library." Levy said.

"Have fun." Lucy smiled.

"We will." They both replied.

Mira POV

I waved to the others as Levy and I walked away.

"Are you writing a new song?" Levy asked me.

"No, just the melody. Lucy's got that covered." We both giggled.

"She's been making a lot of songs since Nali became a thing, hasn't she?" I didn't really expect an answer but I kinda hoped she would say something.

"........I feel bad for Lu-chan... I really hope she'll be okay..." Levy replied although we both frowned.

"In her room....."

"I know. I was just trying to forget it..."

We were now outside the library entrance as we hung our heads.

Everyone had heard Lucy. She'd lock herself in her room, sometimes skipping dinner. The sobbing was unbearable and the worst part, she was rejected because of my sister. Yes, rejected. Although that isn't my story to tell. It's hers.

"Lisanna didn't know."

"You sure?"

"What do you mean, Mira?"

"Huh? Oh, don't listen to me. I'm not thinking straight right now. Maths tired me out." But maybe I am... Lisanna's been acting strange lately... She couldn't have known-no. Her and Lucy are like sisters. She'd never betray her, right? But if it really is true, then. Do I join my best friend who has been there for me in all my times of need, or my sister who I've looked after since she was a child.

Should I even be doubting Lisanna at all? She's my sister. She'd never hurt one of us on purpose. Stop Mira. Let's focus on only positive. Lisanna is on our side. She helped us fit in. Helped us keep being famous a secret. She'd never date Lucy's crush. She just didn't know.

"Doesn't it to us all?"

We both shared a sad laugh as I waved her goodbye heading to the Student Council room.

I just needed to move a few boxes around before I headed to the music room to try out the piece.

Laxus POV

I stood up, getting ready to leave that bunch of losers behind. Maybe I could work on a new video for our channel to entertain myself 'cause right now this bunch of chimps wasn't cutting it.

"Where you goin'?" My idiot cousin, Sting asked me.

"Sorry, but I don't swing that way especially towards my cousin." I rolled my eyes getting ready to leave.

"What the hell man?! You've had some serious attitude lately! Worse than usual! What's your F-ing problem?!"

"Tch. Let go of me. Your breath reeks. What have you been eating from? A rubbish truck?"

"This is what I'm talking about." Sting let go of my jacket as he took a seat back next to Rogue.

"Look, Laxus," Lucy started. "If there's anything bothering you, you know we're-"

"Shut your trap. I don't need your help nor will I ever." I stormed out of there angrily.

A few people tried to stop me including my group, The Thunder Legion. Freed, Bixlow and Evergreen.

Now that I think about it Evergreen and Bixlow have some connection to that girl's siblings don't they? Mira... I don't know what it is but ever since I first saw her I've been getting this strange feeling. I'm pissed a lot and whenever she isn't there I'm sad.

When she's too close all I ever want to do is reach out and touch her silvery white hair. Her locks look so delicate, just like her. I just want to hold her in my arms and protect her with my life, but that's not ever going to happen. ........Not like I want it to anyway.

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I tried desperately to hide my blush. Why was I blushing though? It's not like I feel anything for that girl! I can't and won't!

I won't allow myself to hurt her. I don't deserve her.

"Oh, Laxus. What are you doing here?"

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