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"We'll be right there Rebecca. Can you inform-Gah!" A fist crashed towards my right cheek, nearly giving me whiplash from the speed in which my head swiveled to the side. The punch wasn't hard enough to send me flying but it doesn't mean it wasn't hard enough to damn well hurt like hell.

"YOU BITCH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" That voice. Akeno? Jellal, what did you do?

As I stumbled back I caught the sight of another fist being thrown my way with just as much power and force behind it. I couldn't get my face hurt. I still had a concert after school. I raised my arms to cover my face, hoping to block the brunt of the blow with my forearms. I succeeded, however it seemed to hurt even more than ever.

I screamed.

I really screamed.

The stinging pain in my arms wouldn't subside. My bones felt shattered, my skin torn and my muscles burning. The shock absorbed and resonating throughout my body, as though I was struck by lighting. The electricity surging through me filling my insides. My stomach turning from impact. My mind blank. It was absolute torture.

As though in slow motion I saw my vision fill with people. Onlookers. Each one watching in horror. The hit on my face before left a thin trail of blood trickling down from my forehead. I could feel my cheek burning and knew it would bruise if I didn't do something fast. My head was throbbing hard as my senses came back. I never expected the hit to hurt so much.

"Dammit." I bit down hard on my tongue, catching myself before I fell. I raised my head, vision not quite as blurry as before only to see yet another punch being thrown my way.

My choices?

Stop the punch and counterstrike? Protect my face but ruin my reputation. Sure I'm violent but no one knows I actually do boxing and that my threats aren't actually empty.

Take the hit and maximise the damage? She'll get expelled but she also knows where I live and I don't want to pick up a stalker...

Third. Stop the punch. Don't hit back. And don't blame her. She won't get expelled, I'll keep my good rep and I'll be able to explain.

I think I'll go with...2....nah. I'll take three.

I clenched my jaw, rasing slightly to aim the punch at my stomach. Shouldn't hurt as much right? Wrong.

Once again the attack held more force than I expected as I coughed, a metallic taste rushing up from my throat. My thought, as the full force of the blow was felt? Should've gone with one because right now I want to beat the crap out of this nut-job.

I coughed in my hands and as suspected, blood came flowing out. I looked up to see her eyes fulling with tears. Her face portrayed grief, regret, pain, anger. What had he done? I watched as she took slow, unsteady steps backwards. Horror masking her previous expressions. I could guess her thoughts. What have I done? I watched as blurred figures held her back, as white hair appeared in my view, a warm hand on my shoulder, a voice ringing in my already throbbing ears.


"Mira...dammit.....this seriously hurts."

"Hold still. Ms Porlyusica is coming."

"I c-can't." I ignored her pleas, raising myself up off the ground. My body aching, my head screaming at me to stop, to let the darkness take over. Engulf my vision. But instead I approached the crying girl being restrained by Mira's faction.

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