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Erza POV

It's been about 10 minutes since Mira left so I'm sure she's finshed moving boxes by now. If not I can help her. I've got some papers to sort on club funds that Kagura left me and starting-up clubs and their teacher.

Jellal POV

Ten minutes after Mira left Akeno, Lisanna and Misaki joined us.

"Hey baby." Misaki said taking a seat next to Gray.

"Hey Natsu?" Lisanna kissed him on the cheek also sitting beside him.

"Hey Jel-kun." Akeno took a seat beside me resting her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head showing her I noticed but didn't pay much attention.

You're probably thinking, 'I thought Jellal was a nerd. How'd he get a girlfriend, right?' Well in all honesty, I don't know myself. Akeno doesn't really like me anyway. I know she's cheating on me but being the gentleman I am and giving her another chance. She doesn't know I know and luckily she broke whatever that was off so I didn't have to say anything. I don't really mind 'cause she asked me out and it's not like she was my first kiss either, so I really don't mind. Although Erza's advised me to break it off because we kinda didn't officially break up. Yeah, me and Erza are each others ex's but the only reason we stopped talking was because after we escaped that place, we lost each other. It's only recently we found each other again.

"!" Kagura shouted at me.

"Huh? What?" I asked annoyed.

"I've been trying to get your attention for 10 minutes straight. I need to know if you're free this Saturday." Yukino said.

"Sorry, no. I've got a date with Akeno then later a project to finish with Erza."

"Oh, that's too bad. That means you won't be free either Erza." Yukino looked sadly at Erza.

"No. Soz. I've got student council work in the morning like Kagura and Mira will also. Gray, did you finsh off your health work?"

"Yep. Finshed this morning so I'll be free."

Let me explain. Erza is the President who is in charge of club acceptance and official business given by teachers. Mira works on student behaviour and attendance and she has her own team for help who work in pupil support also known as student guidance. You'll find them roaming halls with red arm bands that show they have permission to tackle you. Mira and Erza are also the school representatives for the national schools committee, NSC. Kagura is the treasurer who decides what the school budget will be used for like clubs, subjects, trips and sports and academic teams. Gray is in charge of health and eco and he also has his own team. He works on choosing school meals, where to put bins and keeping the school eco friendly. He got his position 2 days ago because the last person had to move. Lyon is the head of the planning committee. He works on school, class and club trips. Dances and fairs. Fun days and parents evening also known as parent inspection or P.I for short. He represents us in PTC meetings. Parent/Teacher Committee. And last but definitely not least is Yukino. She's in charge of the outstanding performers code or OPC. You know, Code 3 and other things. She and her team write the entire book that practically rules out anything unsportsmanlike. Because she was 1st in the singing category since her first day at school, at least that was what I was told, she is the head. First in the band competition was Lucy's band so Lucy was in charge of the band section and Meredy in charge of duets since her and Lyon are amazing together. I don't know who is in charge of the drama, sport, art and what not sections but they each have different branches. Ms Vermillion is in charge of the book. Master Makarov is in charge of the SC.

Let's get back on topic, shall we?

"So we're definitely going to see Dr Strange."


"Uh huh."

Wait! Their going to see Dr Strange?! I've been wanting to see that movie forever! Oh, come on!!

"Oh yeah, bro?" Sting said looking at me.

"Huh? What is it?"

"You know that time when the girls were all fighting over who gets Lucy?"

"Yeah..." I answered hesitantly.

"Well. Why is it that you flinched," he turned towards Erza and I knew where this was going, "when red touched you?"

I started sweating slightly. For two reasons. One, they might've found out the truth. Two, because Sting just called her red and even I'm scared of angry Erza.

"What did you just call me?" Erza asked with a very dark aura.

Everybody moved away, including me......and a few more people at different tables.

"U-um. I c-called you E-Erza. Just Erza. N-nothing else. Please don't hurt me!"

"Good." Her aura dispersed and a gentle smile graced her lips. Only for a second. Her smile became dark and she was even scarier than before. "But just so you know. If you ever call me red again, all you'll see is red."

Oh crap. I think I just shit my pants and by the look on his face, I think he did too. His face had paled considerably and his soul looked like it was leaving his body. Who ever said, 'sticks and stones may break my bones and words will never hurt me,' was definitely wrong.

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