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"-and remember our Christmas concert is coming up soon!"

"Buy your tickets early and be there!"

"Or don't!"

"But if you're not you'll regret it!"

"Okay, stop, stop, stop. That just sounds-" Erza was cut off.

"Ominous-" Mirajane smirked, interupting Erza before she herself was cut off.

"Threatening-" Kagura asked, 'high five'ing Lucy as the blonde giggled.

"I was going to say forceful but those work too." Erza sighed, but there was still a smile present on her face. "We can't release this video. We'll lose practically all our fans. Who wrote this garbage anyway?"

"You did." Everyone replied unanimously.

"Right... Lu, Lev. You're in charge of the script." Erza gave an exasperated sigh, plopping down on a nearby chair.

Everyone startled at the sudden ringing of a phone.

"Kags..." Erza glared her down.

"S-sorry. It's-" Kagura stuttered.

"Rogue." Mira stated, cutting off Kagura.

"How did yo-" Kagura tried to speak once again before she was interrupted  (again) by Mira.

"I sensed it."



"...I'll go take this." Kagura walked away from the group, others smirking.

"Mira, have you reconsidered joining the volleyball team [will edit soon]?" Erza questioned, looking to Mira.

"I just don't know. I mean, it's fun and all but I don't know if I'll have time. With the New year ball in a few weeks and the Christmas fair in four days I'm already so busy." Mira sighed.

"Just. Consider it. You wouldn't even need to play until Nationals begin in February." Erza smiled, resting her hand gently on Mira's forearm.

"Yeah. I will." Mira smiled genuinely.

"Guys do you mind if I leave early?" Kagura asked as she came back in.

"But we only just start-"

"She can go!" Mira yelled, cutting off Juvia and startling everyone else. Mira giggled in apology. "Soz. Just, she can go. She needs to go."

"...okay." Juvia arched an eyebrow but said nothing else.

"Good luck! We'll continue later." Erza called after Kagura who blushed and quickly left.

"What was that about?" Juvia turned to the two seniors who simply smiled.

"In that case, Lev and I will be leaving also." Chelia said as she stood up.

Lucy and Wendy shared a subtle look.

"Sure. I guess practice is over for today. See you all tomorrow after school." Erza nodded.

Everyone gathered there things, getting ready to leave. "Hey Juvia, do you want to work on our class project for the fair?"

"Sure Lu. We can rehearse our lines. Maybe the others will agree also."

"Uh huh."

"What are we doing for the fair anyway?" Erza questioned Mirajane.

"3A and 1B are doing a joint project. Maid café." Mira replied with a smirk.

"You're joking." Erza stated flatly.

Wendy giggled. "It's going to be so adorable. All the 1B girls are wearing dresses. The boys are working on drawing people in, and everyone in 3B is taking turns cooking and being butlers."

"Butlers? Even the girls?" Erza asked.

"Even the girls." Wendy smiled.

"Well, I guess we better head to school and work on our project too." Mira smiled.

"Um, where's Yukino?"

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