Chapter 4: I need the truth

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My mom got home later that night and I went right up to her as she walked through the door with tears in my eyes and yelled " What are we?!" 

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My mom got home later that night and I went right up to her as she walked through the door with tears in my eyes and yelled " What are we?!" 

" What?" She asks her eyes widening

" What are we? What am I?" 

" I don't know what your talking ab-"

" Don't give me that shit mom! I know. I know who my father is. I know that our family is in danger. I know that our family, me, and you are something. I need answers and I need them now."

" Come with me Hope"

I follow her into the living room and sit on the opposite side of her " Well? Tell me."

" Our family is...special Hope. There are things that are going to change everything that you know. Are you sure your ready to know?" She asks me sighing

" I need to know mom"

" Your fathers mother. She was a witch. The very first witch to be exact. She was extremely  powerful. When I had you, we thought Esther was dead. But it turns out witches were after you. They wanted you for a sacrifice. We did what we could to protect you and we did. You are a witch Hope."

" Oh my god" I say my hand covering my mouth. I start breathing heavy and start pacing.

" Hope you need to calm do-" 

" Calm down? Calm down?! How the hell do you expect me to calm down?! I'm a wi- I can't even say it!" I yell 

" just listen-"

I run out of the house as fast as I can. I hear her yelling behind me to stop but I don't listen. I run as fast as my feet can carry me. Away from all the lies. 

Hayley Pov

I can't believe she found out. How did she find out? I told her only some of the truth. I only told her that Esther was a witch and she was a witch and her family made a sacrifice. I couldn't tell her all of the truth. I couldn't  tell her that she's a magical freaking trybid. There's some things that are too dangerous for the human mind. If she found out what she really is...what her family is..she would break. I'm only telling her what's safe for her. 

Hopes pov

After running for about 10 minutes I reached town. Right now I'm Standing in the middle of the road just looking around. I feel like I can't breathe. Like the whole world Is moving in slow motion around me. How do I deal with this? How am I supposed to even control this?

I take a deep breath in and take out my phone and call someone I feel the need to talk to right now.

" Hello?"

" Hey..Jake its Hope"

" Hope, hey!...what's up?" 

" I just really need someone to talk to right now and you were the first person who came to  mind"

" Ok no problem. I'll pick you up, where are you?"

" I'm near the cafe" 

" Ok I'll be there soon"

I hung up right after that. Why would I call him? It's not like I can just say " Yeah so my mom has been lying to me all my life and I'm a witch and the rest of my family is missing because my father had to save me from some fucking magical force or whatever. What do you think I should do?" I have no one anymore. I can't trust my mom, I have no other family, and my friends will thing I'm crazy. 

" Hope!" 

I turn and see Jake walking towards me 

" Hey"

" Are you ok?" He asks with worry

" Lets go for a walk and I'll tell you as much as I can"

We were walking down the street and passing by all the bands playing on the streets and artists painting. 

" So you wanna tell me what's going on?"

" If I tell'll think I'm insane"

" Trust me...I won't" he said looking at me

" Basically my mom has kept a huge secret from me my entire life. It's so massive to the point where I can't even trust her anymore. I'm not really sure what to do now because as you know I have no other family to turn to."

" Hope..look at me" He says. He grabs my face and looks me right in the eyes. " You have me ok? You can always, always turn to me. I know we just met earlier this morning..but I feel as if I've known you my whole life. I'm here for you."

" thank you" I say smiling 

I wrap my arms around him and hug him as tight as I could. He hugs me back and we just stay like that. 

It feels good for once to know that I'm not alone. I have someone to lean on. I'm going to have to face my mom eventually...I know that. But as of right now, I'm going to stay in this perfect happy moment for as long as i can. 


I get home after about an hour and a half 

" Hope?!" I hear my mom yell " Oh Hope thank god your ok!" She says trying to hug me

" Don't mom...don't." I say pushing her away from me. She looks at me with a hurt look and for a moment I feel bad. But then I remember what I want to say. " Look...I just found out that I'm a witch. That's insane and crazy and shouldn't be possible. But...I'll deal with it like I always deal with everything. But I can't forget the fact that All my life you've lied to me about our family and what I am. I thought I could trust you but obviously I can't" I say with tears in my eyes

" Babygirl plea-" my mom starts but I cut her off

" No. mom.. were not in a good place right now. You and me. I don't trust you right now. I need time to forgive you. I need time to deal with this. And you need to respect that." I say letting our a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. She just stands there looking at me with a sad look. She nods her head and I go up to my room.

I get to my room and lay on my bed. I just sit and think about all that's happened  in one day. I moved  to New Orleans, I find out my mom has been lying to me all my life, I'm a witch? Is this really what my life has come to? God. I'm just a teen I shouldn't be dealing with this. But I will. Because..I'm a Mikaelson. And from what I heard my family is a group of fighters. So I'll fight to.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short the next will be longer. 


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