Chapter 3: Who Are They?

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I skipped dinner to avoid confrontation with my mom

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I skipped dinner to avoid confrontation with my mom.  She said she was going out for a little bit but wouldn't tell me where so now It's the perfect time to snoop around. I walk out of my bedroom as soon as she leaves. I walk down the hallway into her bedroom and open the door. I go to her closet and look through all the boxes that are there. It's nothing but clothes and perfumes and stuff. Where could her personal stuff be? Where could be the things that will lead me to find out the secrets that have been kept from me?

I look under her bed finally and see a box full of old pictures..and her journal. Just what I need. I open the box and on the very top there is a picture of a couple people dressed up fancy. There is one woman and four men. I look over the black and white picture and see their faces. Wait...the man on the right in the back. I know that face. That's the face of the man from my nightmares. He's the one that bumps into me at the end. ( picture that she's looking at below)

 ( picture that she's looking at below)

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He's leaning against the stair case in the picture holding a drink. Who are they? Who is he? Why does my mother know them or have a picture of them?

I get out her journal and read back to about 14 years ago. 

Dear Journal,

                            Today was the trial. The Mikaelson family was finally defeated. This is a day I never thought would come. We were so close. We were so close to stoping it. But we couldn't. Now Hope has to grow up without her family now. Without her father. I do make a promise though. I will save them all. I will reunite Klaus with his daughter and the family. No matter what it takes. Klaus actually did the right thing this time. The selfless thing. He risked everything just to insure his daughters safty. Me and him got through our problems. Klaus really is a great father. I will reunite him with his daughter. With Hope.

I look up from her journal entry more confused then before. My father? What happened to him and my family? His name is Klaus? What does it mean by " the Mikaelson family was defeated" ? 

I flip through the journal to a more recent entry. From yesterday. 

Dear Journal,

                             We are moving today. Again. I can't let anyone find out about Hope or I. I can't risk witches or the wolves or the vampires finding her. I won't risk it. I haven't found a way to bring Klaus and the rest of them back yet. I don't care if it's been 14 years. I promised I would find a way to bring them back and I will. I think I've finally found a way to. I have a lead. But that means going back to New Orleans. It's dangerous but it's the only way. Hope still doesn't know what she is yet. Or what her father and I and her family are for that matter. I don't believe she could handle the truth if she found out. 

What? Witches, werewolves, vampires? What the hell is she talking about? What does she mean " What I am" ? What is she? What is my dad and my family? None of this makes sense!!

I flip to the back of he journal where there's a picture and a note separate from the journal. The picture has two of the people from the other photo. And... it also has my mom I also see the same man from the other picture. The man from my nightmares. (Picture below)

 (Picture below)

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We look..happy. In a way. Who is he? I unfold the note and read it

My dearest Hope. 

                                    I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder; a teenager full of opinions; or a young woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love you and to explain in our family's darkest hour, I was called upon to save my siblings, and so I did. Please do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure I do so in service of those I love. My soul regret is that I will be away from you. Be good to your mother. I draw comfort knowing that she will not rest until our family is united. Until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow, to become the beautiful daughter I can now only imagine. Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired, the promise we fought to protect. You are, and always be our hope. 

- Klaus, your father 

As I finish I have tears running down me cheek. My father. He gave up everything to protect the ones he loved. My dad. I throw everything back in the box and put it under the bed. I just curl up on the floor and sob. My family. My dad. I need to find them. I need to help them. But how?

My dad and mom made a promise to me. To eachother. And now I'm making a promise to my father and family. I will reunite us. I will find out every lie that has been told and I will find out the truth. I will save them. No matter what it takes. Because as my father said...I'm their hope.

That's chapter 3! Sorry this chapter was a little short. Things are really going to start developing with Hope and the Mikaelson family will come into the picture more soon. Make sure to comment!

- Marley❤️

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