Puppy Kisses

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Marco Pov
I woke up the next day kinda sore, probably because I fell and hurt a blind girl but to my surprise she didn't freak-out or care which scared and worried me a bit, as I stretched I get ready for work, after having a nice evening with the girl I actually got to know her, she just finished highschool and thinking of going to college and just got dumped recently which really sucks, man how cruel do you have to be to leave a girl like that,

she sounds so sweet and innocent..as I put my shoes on I hear my phone ringing to my a ringtone that I found very ironic "Hey babe, yeah I'm heading over to your place now, should I bring Nico over my place?" I waited for her to finish her list of what to do "Okay, I'll video chat you later tonight, bye love you" I hung up on Jackie,

I'm very lucky to have a girl like her she always stuck up for me when we were in high school, people used to make fun of me until she stood up for me, eventually we became friends and soon boyfriend and girlfriend, it's been an awesome two years but I wished she attended the college here in echo creek, but the school she's at has a better program then here, so I wouldn't blame her..as I get to her apartment I'm greeted by bet little Yorkie Nico

"Hey buddy, let's go for a walk" I get him tied up and start heading to my job as I get there I see my boss and one of my coworker, Ferguson..well he's more of a close friend "Please no eating near the animals, they see that and want it..now get back to work" as I picked up Nico I walked to the front desk

"In trouble again, dude stop slacking and do your job" I chuckled as I put Nico in the back where I usually leave him to chill "Well, it's not my fault I hate working, I just need money since my parents cut me off, hey do you have an extra room?" I shook my head "Nope, I don't sorry maybe Alfonso has one.." he shrugs "I don't know, maybe I ask him..hey look it's that weird girl" as I turn I see Star walking with I guess her father

"Hey, she's not weird..be nice and don't talk about her like that" I glared at him and he looked afraid of me "Chill dude" as Star and her father entered I smiled at them "Hello, I would like to buy a puppy for my daughter" I nodded "Yes Sir right this way" as I guided them I felt star's hand on my arm "Marco, is that you?" I chuckled "Yeah, it's me nice seeing you again" she laughs and I see her father give me a odd look

"You two met?" She nods and faces her father "Yes, yesterday evening I was walking and he bumped into me and we chatted a bit, we had ice-cream afterwards, right Marco?" I put an uneasy smile hoping her father doesn't hurt me "Okay, as long he didn't hurt you princess" he kissed her hand and I showed them the puppies well her father and I slowly help Star sit so she can feel them

"Okay, here's the first one" she felt the puppy who was very playfully, she giggled when the dog was licking her cheek, and to be honest her laugh was adorable as I blushed and face away from the scene I asked her father what kind of dog they needed, he just said a dog that can be trained to walk her around when he or his wife can't do it,

I went in the back and brought out a German Shepard, it was still a baby and they can learn how to train it "Will this dog do?" He nods and goes near Star who was giggling with the puppies "Star darling, why don't we get this puppy" I watched as she felt it's face and body

"Is he or she going to be my eyes?" "Yes, as a bonus you can have another dog but a smaller one" she nods and the puppy that was playful came on her lap "Seems like junior likes you" I say, he was a Yorkie just like Nico but Jackie's dog was already 4 years old "Daddy I want this one, please?" He looked at me and nodded "Yes Princess" as she stood I helped her up slowly, she grabbed my arm as we walked towards the checkout

"did you find everything you needed?" Ferguson asked and they nodded, as I got dog food and bowls I watched how happy Star looked with the puppy that was licking her nose "Silly puppy" I smiled and watched how her father leave with her by her side "Bye Marco" she managed to say before she was out the door "I feel bad now" I look back at Ferguson "Why?" He sighs "I called her weird when she isn't, and she's just blind..I'm sorry Marco" I nodded and smiled "It's cool"

As the day ended I started walking home, as I did I saw Star walking and I stopped in front of her "Oh my god, I'm sorry Sir" I put my hand on her shoulder and she had a smile on her face "Marco? Is that you?" I laughed and she playfully smacked my arm "Yeah, where your going without a guide?" She chuckles before answering me

"I was going to see you at your job, but looks like your already out" I laugh a bit "I'm heading home, wanna hang at my place for a bit?" She nods and reaches for my arm "Hey, thanks for the puppies. Can't wait to be able to use one of them to be my eyes" I smiled "No problem, I like your outfit today, very unique" she giggles and I blush a bit

"thanks, I feel comfortable in this, so I wear it mostly every other day, I know it's a teal green color with a little jellyfish on it, my ex told me it before you know.." her smile fades as the mention of her ex "Your ex sounds horrible, he left a pretty and sweet girl probably for dumb reasons" I noticed her blush a bit "Thanks for calling me pretty, I wish I could see for one day and see how you look like, I bet you're handsome" I laughed out loud and she giggles afterwards

"I'm average, maybe I'll let you feel my face so you can know what I might look like" she nods, as we get to my house Nico runs wildly in and I giggle "You have a dog? You never told me you had one Marco" she pouted as she sat on the couch and I got Nico "No, he's not mine..he belongs to my girlfriend Jackie, I just watching over him until Jackie is done with her first year, want to hold him?"

She opens her arms and I put Nico in her hands and he starts licking her and smelling her "He's so cute, I love him already" as I left star on the couch I made some snacks and brought out my laptop just I'm case Jackie calls "Star want something to drink?" She nods but her attention was still on Nico "Alright" I brought her a glass "Here you are Star" I held her hand so she wouldn't knock it right out of my hands

"Thanks" as I sit by her, I look closely at her features, her cheeks have like heart shaped birthmarks, but it fades but a little noticeable, her eyes are a white blue, I bet if she wasn't blind her eyes would've been blue as the sky, her figure was skinny but with a little curves, why would her dumb ex leave her like that? Was it because he didn't want to be in a relationship with a blind girl or he didn't see her normally?

I groan a bit and set my cup down "Marco is something wrong?" I looked at Star, she looked at me and gave me smile "Why did your boyfriend leave you?" She sigh and looked down "Maybe, he didn't want to be with me, or he cheated on me and thought this was a good option. Or he just saw our relationship as a friendly one..there's tons of reason, I just hope it wasn't because I'm blind because if it was, he's really cruel to me.."

I move closer to her side and pulled her into a side hug and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder "Well, to make you feel better, if I was your boyfriend I wouldn't treat you that way, we'll have tons of fun and go places, just us against the world" she giggles as she wipe away stray tears "Thanks Marco, your the best" I don't know if I felt sorry or I genuinely felt like that? I should just calm myself, I have Jackie, I have Jackie..I have...

The Blind Girl (Starco Au) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now