Talking about it

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Star Pov
I was woken up to tiny little kisses of my puppies Junior and Lilly, I giggled as I kissed their little faces, last night was amazing Marco made me a snack which I loved and also we played a game of Simon Says, it was pretty funny when I heard him trip over his coffee table when I told him to jump on one foot, I never laughed so hard before..but after fun and games his girlfriend called and they were chatting and he showed her to me,

I waved towards Marco and she giggled and asked me what I do and stuff, she sounded really nice no wonder Marco has her "Star, time for breakfast" my mother said as she opened my door "Coming" I got out of bed and took a quick shower, put on a random dress and put my hair back in a ponytail and slipped on my flats "Come on puppies, let's go" I grabbed both and walked downstairs to the dining room and placed them on the floor and feel them walking past my legs "You seem happy, are you and Tom together?"

I shook my head "No, we haven't spoken in days, I'm happy because of my friend he made me laugh a lot at his house" I could feel my mom giving me a look "A guy friend? I hope he isn't using you" I shook my head, Marco would never do that "He isn't, he's very caring and loving and supportive, he's way better then Tom that's for sure" I crossed my arms and I felt the plate in front of me "Eggs and toast?" I asked "Yes.." we ate in silence and after I finished I decided to walk the puppies a bit "Star, would you like my help?" I shook my head

"Nope, I'm fine and I'm not going far" I really wasn't, as I made it to my gate I heard someone laughing "Oh no.." as I stood still I heard them "Hey, it's the blind weird girl, what are you doing out in the open, you could die out here" I walked back a bit "Aw did we hurt your feelings?" I glared at them "No, go away or I'll call the police for harassing me" they laughed and walked off "Whatever, later blind girl" I let out a sigh, I hated Trevor and his no good girlfriend Sabrina, they were always bothering me until Tom punched Trevor across his face "Hey Star are you okay?"

As I turn my head I felt relaxed "Yeah, I'm okay where you off to?" He chuckled "Well, I'm heading to school right now, do you want to hang out after my classes are over?" I smiled "Sure, that sounds like fun" I waited for him to respond but I felt arms wrap around me and I hugged back "Bye Star, see you later" I waved at him and I heard hid chuckles "Bye Marco" as I felt his presence leave I stood by my gate, I feel different around him, like I'm more relaxed and happy when I'm around him, he makes me feel so much better for the past couple days and weeks,

I'm just afraid that I'll show my feelings out knowing he has a wonderful girlfriend that loves him so much, as I turn I felt a hand on my shoulder and I held still "Starship?" I moved away from him "What is it Tom? You had enough of space so you'll waltz back into my life?" I heard my puppies barking at him and he held my arms "Star, the reason why we broke up was, I found a New job and I have to move away, I didn't want to have you have a long distant relationship with me, you'll miss me too much"

I sigh and felt a little bad for yelling at him "So, it wasn't because of me?" "No, your beautiful inside and out, I just didn't want you to be lonely when I'm in another state, so I did the what I thought was logical, breakup with you and stay friends, I don't want to keep you tied down while I'm away for so long, I want you to have opportunity in finding a new relationship" I smiled a bit "Tom, that's so sweet and caring, but why didn't you just say it that day?"

I heard him chuckle "Well I tried, but you were upset with me so I listen to you and left" I giggled a bit "I'm sorry, when do you leave?" "In a week, want to go for a walk?" I nodded and put the puppies back in the house before we took off, I felt a little better knowing the real reason why we broke up, I was just too stubborn to hear him out "So, I see you got new dogs, and I noticed a guy hug you before he took off, is he a potential relationship?"

I blush and shake my head "Yeah, no he has a girlfriend already we're just friends, we met a while back, he bumped into me and apologized like a ton of times, but overall he's a nice guy and very caring" he chuckles "Well, at least you have a friend to keep you company, I know how Poni and you were close before you know" I nodded, I missed her everyday but she got into a car accident in our junior year of highschool, it broke me because my best friend was gone in a matter of seconds, I lost so many people in my life that it's hard to keep my head up

"Yeah, let's not talk about the past" he sighs "Alright, so this guy have a name?" I tilted my head a bit before turning towards him " jealous already?" He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder "Nah, maybe a little Star" I giggled a bit and smacked his chest a bit "You shouldn't be, and his name is Marco Diaz, he's pretty cool to chill with"

"Does he respect you for who you are?" I nodded "Of course, why are we friends then?" He scoffs a bit "I don't want to see you get hurt if he slips up. You know I care a lot about you starship" I felt his lips make contact with my cheek and I blushed

"I know you do, but don't worry he wouldn't hurt me in anyway" as the day went on Marco stopped by my house to get me, I was excited to go, probably because I feel something for him that might or might not be there or I was just happy to be out of my house either one it didn't matter, as I linked up to his arm we walked to his place as we got there I was being attack by a cute little doggie

"Nico missed you, hey shoo leave her alone" he ran off and I took my seat on the couch like always and we began talking about day "My day was too long, how was yours?" I played with my hair while looking down "My ex visited me today"

I heard him groan "Did he cheat on you or for the other reason?" I smirked at him, he sounded upset "No, he told me he wanted to break up because he's relocating for his job, so he wants me to go and find a new relationship so I don't feel tied down by him, I was just stubborn to hear him out, so you don't have to get upset about him, I thought it was serious but it just a misunderstanding"

I could feel Marco relax "Good, I was gonna beat him up for hurting your feelings" I giggled and looked at him well his fuzzy figure "You don't have to do that for me, but thanks for looking out for me, hey  how's your girlfriend Jackie doing?" He shrugs "I haven't spoken to her in days, but I feel like she's just busy with schoolwork and her job, so doesn't really have are the dogs?"

I smiled "They're okay, a little naughty but they'll learn" after an hour, he order pizza and played a number game, I kept winning each round and he would get mad as the day turn into night he brought me home but as I said goodbye he kissed my cheek and left and I stood there blushing like a lovesick fool, I just walked into my house and go to my bedroom and hold onto my pillow where I smiled "He kissed my cheek.."

The Blind Girl (Starco Au) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now