Baby Shower Blues..

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Star Pov
I laid in bed thinking of how Marcos life is going to go now, he's a dad and it's pretty scary when your just turning 22 or so? I sit up and hold my fluffy pillow and sigh, the baby is going to hate me..I know it will..

When I woke up on the floor I felt little paws on my face "Junior..get off" I groan and get ready as I leave my bedroom I'm embraced with Destiny "I know your freaking out, but it's going to be okay! I promise Marco will love you anyway!" I pushed Destiny off of me and rolled my eyes "Destiny I'm fine...and I know Marco loves me, I'm just going to be a supportive girlfriend for now right?" "Yes, absolutely your right Star"

I sigh and took the dogs out as I sit on my bench I heard singing probably Mrs Diaz gardening "Good morning Angie!" I tell and hear her giggle "Morning Star..hold on a minute" I waited until I heard the gate open and she sat next to me and hugged me "How are you sweetie, how are you taking the news?" I sigh and shrug "I'm taking it slow so I don't get worked are you feeling?" She sighs and held my hand

"I'm okay..a young grandma but it's okay I guess at least I have my first grandkid" I smiled and held in her hands "I'm scared.." I said and I could feel her looking at me "Why? Your not the one having a baby.." I groan a bit "Yeah but what if the baby hates me because I stole it's sad away from the mother? I know that Marco loved Jackie before he met me.." she held my face and giggles

" doesn't matter Marco will love the child the same way even if he's not with just means that are mature adults and know what's best for them..none of this is your fault..and trust me the baby would love you either way as long as you treat and love him as your own. Now stop crying your pretty to be crying" I wiped my face and smiled up at her "Thanks Angie"

" said or hey Star..." i looked up and felt marcos lips and i smiled "Hey.." he rubbed my shoulders in a way of saying what's wrong "I'll  leave you two alone.." angie left and Marco sat by me "What's wrong? The baby not liking you again? Or something else?" I shook my head

"Never mind..I fixed it with your you were talking about the baby shower?" "You sure?" I nodded "Yeah, now about the baby shower?" "Well it doesn't start for another hour, we have to but her a gift" I nodded and we went shopping i just held onto Marco as we walked around "What would she like?" I asked as I messed around with his hand

"I don't know something nobody already has.." he let go and I stood near by and I heard giggling as I ran my fingers along the shelves I felt a small bump "Oh no! I'm sorry Miss" i smiled and turned around "Its okay" "Um I'm down here?" I tilted my head and giggle

"Sorry I can't see.." he groans a bit "I'm really sorry I was getting my baby brother" as I wondered my head I felr something grab my leg "I think I found him" I pull him off and get to his level "Hey there..causing trouble huh?" I heard a giggle and felt his hand on my face "Why is your eyes white?" I giggle

"Eric..I'm Sorry miss" i held my hand up for them to know it's fine "No it's okay, well you see Eric I can't see...I was born this way..I have a dog or a cane to keep me safe or someone who's near like a friend or family member.." they chuckle "What's it like?" The older boy asked

"It's fun and you have your perks..but sometimes I wish I could see things" they sigh and I felr tiny hands wrap around me "I'm sorry..I wish you can see too" I tear up a bit and hugged the small boy "It's okay, now your going to be a good boy now right?" "Yeah" "You promise?" "Yeah.." I smirked and I heard someone calling them

"Ivan, Eric come now" they say bye and I stand up "Who were they?" "Kids that bumped into me..did you find something?" "Yup..ready?" I nodded and grabbed marcos arm as we checked out and walked I heard someone screaming "Bye Miss Lady!" The boy from earlier "Bye!" I waved wherever he was "What did you say to that kid?"

"Nothing..he bumped into me and he said sorry and asked about my eyes that's all" I heard Marco chuckle and I look up at him "What?" "And your worried about a baby not liking you?" I blushed and ignored him "Whatever.." I stayed silent as we drove to Jackie's new home I heard music and as the door open we were embraced by hugs from Jackie mom

"Hello Marco just set it over there with the others" I stayed close to Marco I didn't really feel comfortable being here it was weird and awkward to say "Hey guys you made it" I heard her voice and felt her her hug me with her belly bumping into me "Oh sorry, thanks for coming" I nodded and gave her a smile

"No problem.." she left and I sat down with Marco holding my hand "You okay?" I shrug I just felt out of place "Kinda.." he kissed my cheek "Relax just a little longer and we can go alright" I nodded and stayed silent and kept taking in shots they provided I must admit I was a little tipsy but I was still alright I think?

As they announced opening the presents Marco had to go help her out and I was a little bit shy and scared to be alone "Marco don't go" "I have to help..I'll  be back don't move" I nodded and kept calm and I could feel people looking at me "Hey..who are you?" I turned my head and wondered who it was, kinda raspy voice and older woman for sure

"I'm Star..?" "What are you to my niece?" I stutter a bit "H-her friend?" I don't know if we are or aren't? "Oh like the party?" "'s not my thing though" "Then why'd you come?" I felt pestered by her "My boyfriend is the father of he child.." she stays silent and I move away slightly

"She was better off with him than you" I was offened and I stood up and tried to make my way out "Star?" I heard the room to quiet and I could feel everyone's eyes on me including Jackies "I need air.." I left and stood in the hallway and sat on the floor and could that woman say such a thing?

"Star!" I heard Marco scream "I'm here" I say and he sits by me "Hey..what's wrong what happened?" I wipe my face and looked at him "Jackies aunt? Said that you should've stayed with her instead of me..and to be honest I feel like you should" Marco held my hands and faced me towards him

"Don't listen to her or anyone because I love you and I'm with you now, I'm not with Jackie were just people who are having a baby..not together anymore..and her aunt was always rude to people and her friends so don't let her get to you" I nod slowly and lean into him "Can we go..I don't want to stay here anymore" he chuckles and sighs a bit "Yeah let me tell her we're leaving"

we stood up and Marco entered again and I waited as we were to leave I felt someone hug me tight and hurting me with a round belly "I'm sorry aunt always say something dumb..don't let people get to you okay? I want you to be part of this baby's life okay? Don't mind what others think"

I smiled at Jackie for making me feel better "Thanks Jackie..means a lot" I heard giggle and gasp a bit "The baby is kicking here feel" I was nervous and she guided my hand to where he was kicking and I smiled "I feel him.." "Yeah.." I have her a side hug and she laughs

"Feel better okay?" "Oh yeah..thanks for inviting me" "Of course..that's What friends are for don't forget it" I nodded "Ready Star?" I held Marcos hand and waved at Jackie "Bye jackie" "Bye guys have a safe drive home" she entered the party and we drove home in silence until Marco spoke before dropping me off "How are you feeling?" I nodded "I'm okay"

A/n finally updated! I feel accomplished lol anyways leave comments on how it was and later guys

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