A Gift From The Heart

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N: this was before she went home....

Star Pov
When Tom and I drove home he asked about gifts for people "Hey, so any ideas for Marco?" I sigh and play with my hair "He always talks about playing the guitar, he sings because I heard him when he was playing with Nico when I visited him once, he has a nice voice" he chuckles and sighs "Get him a guitar then, it's gift from you right?" I nodded and thought about it "Yeah, hey can you maybe drive to a shop for it?" I heard Tom laugh a bit before answering

"Sure" as he drove we made it towards the store, he held on me through the whole store, he let me feel different types of guitars but none really fit my interest for him, as I was giving up I felt one that might be good, well perfect for him "Tom, I want this one for him" I felt him take it and purchase it, as he grabbed my arm he drove me home, I was happy with the choice I picked but I just wanted Marco to feel happy about it

"Hey, Star I'll will be at the New Year party, but around Christmas I won't be here I'll be at work..so I'm giving your gift early, here you go" he handed me a small box and I smiled and opened it, as I felt it under my fingertips I smiled "It's the necklace I wanted isn't it?" He chuckles and puts it on me "Yeah, I knew when we were together you always talked about it, but I didn't have a the money at the time to buy it, but I hope you like it" I pulled him in a tight hug

"I love it, thanks and I sent your gift, it's probably in its way to your new house" he chuckles "Okay, bye Star..see you at the party okay" I nodded and got off his car and carried the gift for Marco inside when I did I went straight to my room and fell asleep, I was exhausted from yesterday's events, I twirl my necklace and smile..Oh Tom I wished you never moved..

Marco Pov
I woke up by my phone ringing like crazy and I check and it's my parents and I groan before answering "Hello?" My mother was freaking out because the bathroom was leaking, and it was the one near my bedroom and I sigh, dad can't fix it because both of them are travelling,

they have cameras of the house to let them know if something is wrong, I get dressed and head over to fix the problem, as I finish I wave at the camera and walk around the house, it was clean and very kept, as I went to my old bedroom it hasn't changed, my creaky bed and my old highschool awards I gotten,

I remembered I hated being the smart kid in school, people were so cruel, I always wanted to be the bad boy but it never took off, I chuckle a bit and I notice a picture of me and my buddies as freshman's, we were so weird but it fun.. as I walked into the backyard I looked over the fence and see Star on her swing singing to a random song

"Morning Ms Butterfly" she stops and laughs "Hello Marco, your parents back home yet?" I hopped over the fence and sat by her "Nope, I was fixing a leaky pipe, what are you doing outside so early?" She shrugs and twirls her necklace, I freeze at it because I got the same one for her for Christmas, who got it before me?!

"Relaxing and the dogs needed to use the bathroom, you okay you gasp a bit?" Should I ask? "Hey, who gave you that necklace, it looks very pretty" she smiles as she held it close "This, t gave it to me last night, he wasn't going to be here around Christmas which sucks, isn't it pretty?" I nodded but I forgot she can't see "Yes, very pretty"

oh great now I gotta find a new gift for her "Hey Star what would you like to receive on Christmas?" She giggles before she answered me "Anything really, as long as its from your heart and you put a lot thought into getting it for me" I nervously chuckled "Alright..well I'm gonna go, still have Christmas shopping to do for one person" she blushed and covered her face

"Is it me? I'm sorry, you can get anything I'll like it even if it's from you" I smiled "No, it has to be special for you, later Star" she waves and I hop over the fence and drive to the mall, what would Star like? Think Marco, something she'll treasure always.. as I walk by shops I stop and see a bracelet that has little charms on them, she'll love these

"Excuse me I would like to purchase that bracelet" the woman looked at me and the bracelet "That bracelet cost $125 do you have enough?" I gave her a look "Of course I do, I came here a week ago to but that necklace that cost me $150 I have money lady, can you please give me the bracelet and I'll be on my way" she gave me a look and she boxed the bracelet and handed her the money

"I'm gonna tell your manager, just watch out..Julie" she rolled her eyes and I checked the bracelet and smiled, now I can return the necklace back to them but some other time, what a rude employee "Marco, dude look what I bought you" as I turn it's Janna and she's holding the guitar I wanted "What?! That's so awesome, how could you afford it that guitar is like about $450 at least" she chuckles

"My cousin works there and I got a discount, so happy holidays, I'll be out of town so I won't be here" then I pulled the box that had star's previous gift "Here, this was for someone but I found out they already had it, so merry Christmas" she smirks and gives me a hug "Thanks, bye Marco" she took off and I was excited I had the guitar I wanted, I can't wait to show Star

As I came home I called her mom to bring her over and she came in no time "Hey, so you have something to tell me?" I smiled and strummed the guitar and her face went into shock almost "Y-you got a guitar?" I have her a weird look "Yeah, well my neighbor got it for me since she's isn't in town for Christmas, is something wrong?" She shakes her head

"Nope, just peachy.." she awkwardly laughed and sat down and I scratched my head "Alright.." I played a couple songs I know and she listened as it was getting dark I took her home, she said bye and headed to her house rather fast and I ignored it and headed back home as I wrapped the gift I placed it under the tree, I popped in a movie and watched it with Nico, she seemed off? Wonder what it could be?

A/n guess star has to find another gift for Marco, this part was pretty funny and can relate, this has happened to my parents one time, it's pretty funny anyways I hope you enjoyed! Bye guys

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