So close but far

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Star Pov
My heart was beating out my chest when Marco was messing with me, I said date and he questioned it! What am I doing Marco has a girlfriend Star, your acting up and being a tease, but his touch and his breathing just made it feel so right..yet it's wrong, I sigh as I slowly walked towards my bedroom and sulk he probably thinks it's weird that I'm acting this way..I don't want to take anymore chances..

As the next day came around I yawn and roll around my bed wondering what I could do today? Christmas Eve is a couple days and I have to be dressed to impress well for my well being and or for Marco as well, I might be blind but he surely isn't "Star, breakfast" I hear my mother and I get up and look for Lily, I grabbed hold of her and she walked me down, when I reached the table I sigh and before I heard my plate be set in front of me

"You okay sweetie? You seem a little distracted, is it cause of Marco?" I blush and shook my head quickly "No, of course not he has a girlfriend mother and we're just friends, that's all" she groans and sighs and sits at her seat, I quickly ate and got ready, I decided maybe a wall with Lily could clear my mind..

I wore my hair in a high ponytail wore a teal dress with gold sandals and the necklace Tom gave me, being alone is alright but then you feel like you need to be with someone, and that's how it went always, look at e and Tom always together heck were nearly perfect but he had to go, and then me and Marco, an odd unique friendship that's slowly Turing awkward because of me..I shake the thought and hear Lily get excited

"What's wrong? Is something or someone there?" As she pulled I let go and tripped, I stood there and sigh in pain, I felt my knee and it had bits of blood trickling down, I groan and I felt someone pick me up in a bridal way, I blushed and the smell of caramel and cologne hit me and I smile "My hero" I heard him chuckle and I hold onto him tighter "Always.."

As we got to his house he placed me on a couch and went to get a first aid kit I felt tiny paws on my lap and it was Nico "Hey there puppy, I missed you" he was going nuts and I giggled and I felt a burning sensation "Sorry, it might hurt a little, where were you going anyways?" I blush and looked away well from his voice "For a walk with Lily and maybe at a park? What about you sir?"

He chuckles and placed the band aid over my cut "Getting Nico a haircut, and buying him a gift for Christmas, lucky I bumped into you" I nodded and grabbed his hand, he rubbed over my knuckles and I smile a bit "Why is that Marco?" It was silent, only our breathing was heard "Because, I need help at my parents house, they need me to fix the living room up for Christmas..would you mind keeping me company and help if you like?"

I thought he was gonna question about something else but whatever "Sure, I would like to" he helped me stand up and I was against his chest and the feeling I wanted to touch his face was getting to me, he soon pulled away and grabbed his keys "Let's go Star" I lowered my eyes and followed him with Lily, when we got there I was hit with the smell of apples and cinnamon, like a candle was lit to keep it nice and warm or cozy

"Smells good in here, but I thought you guys decorated?" He chuckles "We did" I raised an eyebrow at him "Then why are we here?" He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, I felt my heart race a bit and my face was flushed "To  let you feel the lower half of my face and to actually decorate the kitchen"

I was shocked he'll let me but only half? Will he let me feel the rest some other time? I nodded in response and I let my hands roam up from his chest to his neck, it was warm and I could feel his pulse, it was beating a little face, as my hands reached his ears,

I traced them, smiling and laughing at how cute his ears were, as I slid my hands on his chin I felt stubble on his chin as if he's growing a beard, as my fingers felt his lips I blushed, they were soft and smooth, I could feel his warm breath escaping from them, I lingered a bit and went back to his chin, it was round but defined, his cheeks were round and squishy making me giggle, as I reached for his top he caught my hands and lowered them

"lower half today, what do you think?" I smiled and held his face well his cheeks "Your handsome, thank you Marco" I felt him hug me tight which caught me off guard "Thanks Star.." as we let go, he pulled me into the kitchen and I sat down on a stool "alright, I just need you to lay these little decor out and I'll start putting them up "Okay..Marco when I felt your neck you pulse was quick, and your cheeks felt warm"

I only heard shuffles and he was silent guess he didn't want to answer back "Never mind, forget I asked" I laid the decor out and when I finished I decided to roam around the house, I've only been in the kitchen when I visit Mrs Diaz, as I let my fingers touch ever so slightly I feel calm or relaxed, but then my mind went back to Marco and his lips, I could've stopped but I lingered a bit on it, that's when his heart rate picked up and his cheeks were warm

"Star? What are you up to?" I smile before turning my body around "Walking around, I already helped you so I took a break..are you done?" I heard his footsteps come closer towards me and my heart was racing a bit "Yeah, and to answer your question from before, I don't know why it did that, maybe I was nervous you wouldn't like me or think I'm awkward?" I smirked and grabbed his face "Hey, looks don't matter to me" he scoffs "Then explain why Tom is way out of your league but you managed to have him?"

He sounds a little jealous or hurt? "I didn't like him of his looks, I liked his personality..what does looks have to matter? I like you just the way you are, even if I'm blind or not..don't compare yourself to others when you shouldn't have to" yeah listen to yourself Star, don't compare to his girlfriend, you should've done that yourself "Okay..hey before I forget, what time is dinner?"

I moved my hands away from his face and my face flushed, I totally forgot about the date I mean...dinner it's not a date, it's a dinner a friend taking a friend out to eat "around 7 this weekend okay?" I heard him chuckle "Can't wait for our date" I gasp and covered my face and screamed softly "It's not a date! It's just a dinner with a close friend, Marco stop teasing me!" He was laughing and I pushed him which failed

"Just messing with you, I know it's not a date, I just like seeing you get flustered when I say's adorable" I glare at him and rolled my eyes "Your horrible, take me home please" I felt his arm wrap around my chest and his head on mine, he was taller then me that's for sure "No, I don't want you to leave, I'm sorry for teasing you..let's go for ice cream"

I smirked at how caring and how close he's being with me, it's hard to believe that he's in a relationship at all? Just act normal Star because I'm pretty sure he's just messing around like he always does "Come on Star, I know you like ice cream" he still had me in his arms and I titled my head wondering if I should answer "I know, but are you being serious or your messing with me again?"

He chuckles a bit "Being serious, I want a chocolate one with peanuts over it, and I know how you like vanilla with cherries and chocolate fudge on it..come on Star they close in an hour" I giggled and nodded "Sure, let's go" he hugged me tight before we left the house and went to the ice cream place, I just kept wondering why is Marco acting so close to me when he has a girlfriend already, that he adores and stuff, maybe he's just missing the comfort of having someone there with him at night or day? I know I've been there too, but who can blame us it's weird how we first met and months later we're here? There has to be a reason..

A/n next part is the dinner (date) lol no matter what anyone else say, also I need ideas on how the Christmas part should go out and what surprises lurks for them I have tons but it might be too soon for it anyways hope you enjoyed this part

Song: Stay with me - Christina Grime ft the diamonds

Bonus- starco clip ( ^ω^)

The Blind Girl (Starco Au) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now