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Staying inside the convenience store, a woman eating salad is in front of me. Her gleaming eyes stare into my own, welcoming the idea of my imminent death and rebirth. I sat on the chair inside the said store, ice cream on my left hand and pen on my right. Licking every flavor of the dairy treat's Crème brûlée goodness, feeling ecstasy course through my veins as I patiently wait for my so called friend to arrive.

He told me he would see me this afternoon and there I sat on the chair, licking every cream until time ran out. He was supposed to hand me the videos I shot two weeks back, it was an art project I wanted to create to release the expression outside of my soul and body. He never came.

People back in high school tormented my life but I always stood tall. Tormenting me with sweet lies and humiliating truths; my art is weird and no one will love me. I ignored the bickering of insults and listened to the rage inside of my heart I called "determination". I huffed and thought "college will be more open minded". I was gravely wrong, I made a huge mistake that I could not redo. I am now a Thespian studying the art of theater currently in my second year.

I thought that my art of freedom and philosophy would be a hit, as it turns out, it became a miss for people would step on it and crumble not only my work but also my spirit. I tried to look the other way, I tried so hard to belong. I tried to stay optimistic even when I had every right to be pessimistic.

Until now, as I stood up from my chair, walking away from the supposed meeting with my friend. I left feeling bittersweet, how long will I get miscast in a massive crowd? It does not matter for what truly does is the vision I carry inside my brain, waiting to be done into actions. I am a pioneer of an art yet to be seen.


Dedicated to Cara-tesora-mia HappilySociallyInept Finnor JaneyJordan

My fellow Finnions!

My fellow Finnions!

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