Beautiful Men

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Man, you're beautiful.

I want to talk about how it sucks to be a man. First of, it sucks to be a woman and we all know it but as we look at the other side of the view, it also sucks to be a man.

As men, we are the image of God and we need to follow the good path. We must be responsible, manly, brave, and courageous. We are expected to not have a hint of emotions and must not be in touch of our feminine side, making us look like animals.

The reason why Amazons exist is because they can easily manipulate the majority of men because as I have said, most men lack emotion.

Back to my point, it sucks to be men.

When men suffers heartbreak, men won't comfort each other by talking but instead, they will resort to "manly" solutions. Those include beers, whisky intoxication, polygamous fucking, orgies, bar hopping, impregnating random women, and many more.

Blame men for all the fuck ups. Sure, that's how our world works. Blame everyone but yourself. Men are looked up as vast and stoic but are emotionally impaired, I don't care.

I understand how women devalue your worth for being called a fuck boy, you're not a whore, you're just lonely. I understand if men and women call you fat, you just love to rebel against the norm.

I love you and I'm here to understand every time you push me away. I will never leave just because you don't want me to let you feel emotions you have never felt. I'll be here to make sure it's not your fault if the world despises you. I'd happily say "fuck you, bitches." and lift my middle fingers in the sky while I make you laugh with my wit and awkwardness.

I can see through your inferiority. You hate how you're fat, you hate how you're labeled a fuck boy, you hate being called a gym freak, you hate your armpits, you hate your hairy legs, you hate your untrimmed pubic hair, you hate your ass, you hate how you aren't well endowed but let me tell you this, I love it.

I love how you work your ass off so you could feed your family, I love how you're eager to be with a woman who takes you for granted. I want you to know that I'm here but I guess you won't ever see us as lovers for we both have dicks.

I just want you to know that I will always understand even if I leave temporarily. I will be there to guide you when you are lost. I will be your rock when things get shaky. I will be your light in the tunnel of darkness. I will never let my words be words. I will do them. I will walk the walk because even if the world turns its back on us, I hope you know that man, I will always love you.

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