now everyone knows

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"Jade?" Perrie shouted as she stepped onto the tour bus.

She could barely hear much over the sounds of screaming fans outside, but she just managed to make out a crash come from the bathroom of the tour bus. Curious, she walked through to the end of the bus to find the bathroom door locked.

"Jade babe, are you in there?" she asked, knocking on the door gently.

There was no response, just a muffled crying sound from the other side.

"Jade?" Perrie shouted, panicking slightly.

Perrie was the most over protective girlfriend you'd ever met. Sure, she might go off with other girls and unknowingly make Jade upset and jealous, but Jade was her baby. If anyone upset Jade, Perrie would be kicking their ass before they even had chance to explain. But the worst thing was when Perrie upset Jade herself, she can't stand seeing her girlfriend cry.

"Open the door now Jade, this isn't funny" she demanded, pushing on the door.

She heard the faint sound of a lock turning and she immediately shoved the door open. It got blocked halfway, hitting Jade's foot from the lack of space in there.

"Come here babe" Perrie said, holding her arms out to Jade.

Jade hesitated, but wrapped her arms around Perrie's shoulders. Perrie rested her chin on Jade's shoulder and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.

"Come on baby" Perrie whispered, picking Jade's legs up and placing them around her own waist. She could feel Jade sniffling against her shoulder and gripped her tighter.

Walking over to the couch, she sat down with Jade straddling her legs and resting her head into her chest

"What's wrong?" she asked soothingly, gently playing with Jade's hair as she waited for an answer.

"You like Ally" Jade whispered, voice cracking as she spoke.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that baby?" Perrie asked, not catching on properly yet.

"No, you like her more than you like me" Jade said, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek as she spoke.

"No, I like Ally but I love you" Perrie said, not believing Jade would even think that Perrie didn't want her anymore.

"Prove it" Jade said, pulling back to look in Perrie's bright blue eyes.

Perrie quickly leant forward to connect their lips, gently biting down on Jade's bottom lip and tugging slightly. She kissed Jade in between her words.

"I" Kiss. "Love" Kiss "You" Kiss "So so so so much!" she laughed, pressing kisses all over Jade's face.

"You ignored me" Jade pouted.

"I have to, you know that. But how about I make it up to you?" Perrie asked, biting her lip and looking down at Jade's body.

"Okay" Jade said, nodding and giggling slightly as Perrie layed her down on the sofa.

Meanwhile the fans had quietened down, usually the girls would come say hi. But nothing. They were all about to go home when they heard a whimpering sound come from the bus.

Perrie was grinding her hips down into Jade's as slipped Jade's top over her head and threw it onto the floor.

"Perrie, hurry please" Jade begged, and Perrie pulled back to strip off her own clothes.

From outside, all that could be seen was pieces of clothing being thrown against the window. Then a faint giggling sound came from inside and they all hushed down to listen.

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