chapter twenty one

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“Damn!” Jared exclaimed, springing from his bed and simultaneously wrapping his light blue sheet around his waist. I laid in the bed, frozen. 

“Wh-who is it?” I stammered, my eyes bulging wide.  I had sat up in bed, and pulled Jared’s comforter up underneath my chin and held onto it tightly.

Jared lifted up the edge of the blind on his window and cautiously peeked behind it, being careful to make as little movement as possible. 

“My sister,” Jared said, turning his head around to look at me, his fingers still on the edge of the mini blind.

“Crap,” came my choked reply.

“We better hurry and get dressed before she gets inside,” Jared said, walking around the foot of his bed, most of the sheet trailing behind him like a train on a wedding dress. I couldn’t help but smirk a little. “What?” Jared asked, handing me my clothes from the floor.

“Nothing,” I replied, trying my best to hide the amusement in my voice. Jared gave me a curious look as if to say ‘Okay,’ and hurried to put his clothes back on.

Within a matter of seconds, although I’m sure we looked disheveled and mischievous, we were redressed. 

“Oh, wait! Your bed! It’s a mess! That’s totally going to give us away!” I exclaimed, motioning with my hand at his bed behind us in disarray.

“Oh, right,” Jared replied, and we quickly worked together making his bed back to as close as we could get it to look like it did before we, well, you know.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs, and then on the carpeted hallway floor outside of Jared’s bedroom door moments later  had us both jerking our heads towards his closed door in anticipation. There was a moment of silence, and then we heard a slight creak, and then the slamming of Kinsley’s bedroom door.

Jared and I looked at each other, letting out a nervous laugh. 

“Wow. That was close,” Jared breathed, walking over to me and pulling me close.

“Yeah, no kidding,” I agreed, resting the side of my face on his chest. Breathing in the smell of his faded cologne, I closed my eyes, mostly thankful that Kinsley hadn’t showed up any sooner than she had. And even more thankful that she hadn’t stuck her head inside Jared’s room for whatever reason she might’ve had.

“Look, I just wanted to let you know,” Jared said, pulling me back at about half his arm’s length to look me in the eyes. “I, uh, well, earlier,” Jared glanced quickly over to his still disheveled bed, and then back to me, “that was  incredible,” he finished, his voice softer than ever.

Meatloaf was playing softly on the stereo behind us. I listened for a second to him singing about how ‘you took the words right out of my mouth. It must’ve been while you were kissing me.’ I thought to myself how he had never been more right about anything in his entire life. 

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