chapter seven.

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I did my very best to keep the day from dragging on. I had received a text from Jared saying that he'd be at my house to pick me up at seven. I had asked my parents the evening before if it was okay if I went. They said it was fine, and to be careful, and to be home by one. An hour later than my usual curfew, so I didn't have a single complaint. I think they were just happy that I had made a friend already, even if it was, gasp!, a boy.  

I did asinine chores throughout the day, just anything to keep busy. Swept the kitchen floor. Twice. Made my bed as slowly and perfectly as possible. I gave Jessica a call, but she didn't answer. Talking to her always seemed to make time speed up. I tried to read a book, but my mind was everywhere but on the story, so I closed it and tossed it at the foot of my bed. I tried watching television, but I couldn't concentrate on that, either. Finally, I just succumbed to daydreaming about my night that would start in a few short hours. 


After dinner, I was helping my mother clean up.  

"You had better start getting ready for this date of yours," she said, smiling a knowing mother's smile. 

"Oh, yeah, I guess I should," I tried to sound casual, but I'm positive my mother saw right through me. Mothers, they have a way of doing that. They just know.  

I showered and dressed, putting on the dark jeans and fitted green v-neck shirt I had laid out earlier in the day. Slipping on my sandals, I returned to the bathroom to see if there was anything I could manage to do with my hair. After combing through it and blow drying it, I just left it down, and put on minimal make up, opting for the au natural look. Less is more, as they always say, whoever 'they' are. 

Seven o'clock on the dot, there was a light knock at our front door. I opted to hide in my bedroom, so as to not get the third degree from my dad, and also hopefully avoiding 'the talk.' Dads had a way of being weird about nights like tonight, and I would've hated to inform him that his darling little girl already knew about 'the birds and the bees.'  

"Oh, hi again, Jared. Tiff is in her room. Let me go get her for you. Have a seat," I heard my mother saying. My nerves became tight in a second, and I think the butterflies in my stomach were going to be throwing an all-nighter. A soft knock at my door a moment later, and my mother was sticking her head in. "Jared's here, honey. Don't keep him waiting," she said with a smile. 

"I'll be right there," I replied with a deep breath. Smoothing my clothes, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and headed towards our living room. 

"Hey, you look nice," Jared said as I entered our living room from the dining room. His smile was as heart-stopping as ever. He had on dark blue jeans, black sneakers, and a dark blue polo shirt, the top button undone. His hair was gelled, and his cologne smelled sweet and inviting. Everything, and everyone, in the room vanished at the moment. It was just me and him, him and I.  

"Ahem, well," my dad said, clearing his throat, "you kids have fun, and be careful. Do you have your phone with you, Tiff?"  

"Uh, um, yeah, Dad, I do," I answered, tearing my eyes away from Jared. 

"Okay, well, if you need anything, or...anything, just call. I don't care what time it is," my father looked nervous and sad at the same time. 

"Okay, Dad. Love you," I answered, giving them each a quick hug and kiss. Sam was staying the night at my grandparent's house, so he wasn't here to say goodbye to. 

A moment later, we were out the door, and climbing inside Jared's SUV.  

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all," Jared said, turning the ignition over. 

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