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End of Summer '15

I wanted to enjoy the last day I had left before my death ((aka school)). My best friend, Namjoon, was having a little party at his house and asked me to come. Although I'm not really social, I wanted to spend the last day of the summer doing something.

I arrive at his house around 8pm and greeted Namjoon. I looked around and there was a lot of people that I didn't recognize, so I decided to get a drink and stick with Namjoon for awhile. More and more people began to arrive as time went by, but I just occupied myself with my phone & didn't interact with anyone.

6 boys had just entered and Namjoon left me to go greet them. A couple minutes after, he returned to me with the boys and introduced them.

"[Y/N/N ~ your nickname] ! These are my friends. This is Jung Kook, Hoseok, Jin and Jimin. You already know Tae... and that's Yoongi."

Yoongi somehow stood out to me. He has pastel mint coloured hair, piercings, a few tattoos and is very pale,
but that wasn't it. It was something else about him.

"[Y/N/N] ?? Hello ??" Namjoon said, trying to get my attention.

Shit, I think I was staring.

"Sorry, I-uhm .. I'm [Y/N]. Nice to meet you guys !"

Yoongi flashed a faint smile at me.

Yoongi's POV :

I was with Namjoon and the others, uninterested in what they were talking about. I looked around the room and saw [Y/N] sitting by herself, not talking to anyone. She looked bored. Not even Namjoon is paying attention to her. I felt bad that she was alone, so I decided to go talk to her.

I walked over to the couch and plopped down into the seat next to her.

"Hey, you okay ? You look like you're not having fun" I said with a sad expression.

" .. Yeah. I don't really know anyone here except Namjoon and he's busy right now, so I'm just chillin' here."

"Same, I'm not really interested in what the other guys are talking about, so I got bored too"

She nodded awkwardly and took a sip of her drink.

"So .. How do you know Namjoon ?" I said, trying to break the silence.

"He's been my best friend since elementary school. I was in 6th grade and he was in 7th when we met. How 'bout you ? How do you know him ?" She said, taking another sip.

"Well, Jin and I are cousins. I moved here a few years ago and Jin's friends with Namjoon so he introduced me to him and the rest of the guys when high school started."

"Wait, you go to our school ?? I've never seen you before !"

"I don't think I've ever seen you either, damn."

"Well at least now that we know each other, we can find each other at school now !"

I smiled and nodded at her.

She was so easy to talk to. I felt like I've known her for so long. She was a little tipsy and she laughed at every little thing, but she was still so woke, yknow ? We continued to talk for what felt like a few seconds but she checked her watch and saw that it was past 1am.

"Oh shit, its late as fuck and we have school tomorrow. Why the fuck did Namjoon throw a party the day before school starts ??" She whined.

"Yeahh, we should go now .. How are you going home ?"

"Ah, I'm just gonna walk. My house isn't too far from here." She got up and swayed as she was a little dizzy from drinking.

"I can walk with you if that's okay, my house isn't too far either. Plus, you shouldn't walk home alone this late like that .."

"S-Sure ! Thank you .."

Your POV :

I started to blush as he offered to walk me home, but I quickly snapped out of it and got up to tell Namjoon that we were leaving.

"JoOoOn !! Yoongi & I are gonna go nowww. Thanks for having us !" I said as I smiled widely.

"Wait, Yoongi's taking you home ??"

"Yeahhh, why ?"

"Hmmm .. no reason .. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Bitch ass -.- I'll see you tomorrow"

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