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I woke up to her still resting on my chest. I honestly wish that this moment could last forever.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and went to the camera app. I quickly took a selca with her because I wanted to show the guys what was happening.

bangtan 🛡

idk how to feel rn
*photo of you cuddling w/ Yoongi*

AWWWH !! so cute~~

hyung .. wat did u do ??

nothing omg
i was gonna sleep on the floor but she told me to sleep in the bed w her

ouuhh yoongi-hyung is cuddling with [Y/N] again ;)))

lowkey im enjoying this, but dont tell her that
fuk idk how to feel. i like her so much, but she's leik my best friend. I dont wanna ruin wat we have & wat if she doesnt even like me back ?

I think u should just keep ur feelings a secret man. u guys have just become friends recently, so u shouldnt do anything that could ruin that so fast.

ur right

hyunggg y dont we cuddle leik dat ??

we will bb dw
I'll talk to u guys later lmao. i think she's waking up now
Read. 08:27.

Your POV:

My head was pounding and my mouth felt dry. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Yoongi holding me. I looked up at him, eyes widened.

"Are you okay ? Do you remember what happened last night ?" He asked.
I shook my head.

Did we fuck ? What the hell happened ? Why am I in his bed with him ?

"We didn't do anything if that's what you're thinking. You just got really drunk after Tae talked to you and you said couldn't go home, so I just brought you here to sleep"

"Why am I cuddling you ?" I giggled.

"Haha, I was gonna sleep on the floor but you insisted on me staying with you"

"Damn" I said, trying to remember the events of the night before.

"How are you feeling ?" He asked sweetly.

"My head really hurts. I feel disgusting."

"Stay here, I'll get you something to eat" He said, getting up from the bed.

'He's so sweet' I thought. None of the other guys did this for me. I thought to myself how lucky I was to have a best friend like him.

He returned with a bowl of Juk ((congee/rice porridge)) and some water. He sat next to me gently and handed me the food.
"T-Thank you .."

He nodded. "So you really don't remember what happened last night ?"
I shook my head.

"It's funny when you're drunk. You gave me a new nickname– Suga" he said.

"Suga ? " I said, laughing.
"Yeah, because I'm pale and sweet"
"Oh my god, I'm cringey when I'm drunk" I replied.

"Oh, and two guys went up to us when you were resting and asked if you wanted to makeout with them"

"Ew, the fuck ? What happened then ?"

"I let them makeout with you" He replied.

"wHAT ??!?"

"It's just a prank ahh, I told them to fuck off"

I glared at him, taking a spoon full of the warm soup into my mouth.

He explained what else happened last night and offered for me to use his shower to clean up after I finished my food. He even let me borrow one of his hoodies to wear instead of my shirt which reeked of alcohol.

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down my back. I stood there for a moment and collected my thoughts. When I finished washing up, I threw on his oversized hoodie and the pants I was wearing from the night before. It was warm and was stained with his scent. I exited his bathroom to see him on the piano bench, trying to practice my song.

I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder, I still felt a pounding sensation on my temples. I shut my eyes and listened to the gentle sound of the piano.
After a few minutes, I lifted my head and placed my fingers on the keys, joining him on my song.

He stopped for a minute and asked how I was doing again.
"I still feel awful, but I think I can go. I'm taking up a lot of your time"

"If you don't feel well yet, stay here. I'll take care of you. It's not a waste of my time" he said, looking deeply into my eyes.
I nodded in response.

We didn't do much since I was still feeling weak. We watched a couple of movies, talked, took naps, etc.
It was around dinner time and I felt fine enough to go home.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me. I appriciate it so much" I said, hugging him tightly.
"No problem .." he whispered, hugging my tighter.

"I'll give you back your sweater tomorrow, I'll wash it tonight" I said, breaking the hug.

He nodded and smiled at me.

I walked back to my house and greeted my parents, then headed up to my room, kept the lights dim and crawled into bed. I hugged his sweater, inhaling his sweet scent, and thought about our day together.

I think I like Min Yoongi.

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