the consensus

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I had do go home and do a few chores after school. And since I was a bit too shy in the friend-making department, I had no one to hang with, and nothing to do.

Or so I thought, for about half an hour.

I was trying to read the Catcher in the Rye when all of a sudden the doorbell rang.

Then someone knocked.

Bored restless I jumped off my bed and ran to the hall, book in hand.

"I'll get it!" I cried.

Scotty was outside his bedroom door, and for a split second we made eye contact – I knew it would be a race to the door. After all, he was still mad at me for embarrassing him yesterday.

Next thing we were both dashing for the door, so fast I nearly got pushed into the screen.

I was out of breath and still struggling to regain my balance when I opened the screen door, smiling as I saw Benny standing in the porch.

He peered behind me at Scotty scowling behind me, and laughed at both of our faces.

"Hey," he said, looking back to me.

"Hi.. Again," I added grinning.

"I'm gonna go play ball. We need an extra guy," he said, nodding to Scotty.

Scotty pushed me out of the way, surprisingly forcefully and stood in front of me.


Benny nodded, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, you? Wanna come?"

"Oh.." Scotty looked at his plastic glove which he held in his hand. "Uh. Can't.

"Why not?" Benny inquired. "Don't you like baseball?"

"My glove. It's busted."

"–that's okay, I've got an extra one," Benny said, pulling two gloves out from behind his back. "Come on."

Scotty looked at me, then to Benny, and then he turned around and shouted into the house. "Mom, I'm gonna go play some ball! One sec," he told Benny and then ran into his room.

Benny and I stood there for a moment.

He glanced at me, then looked away and scratched the back of his neck as if contemplating asking what he did next.

"Hey, uh, you know. We could use more than just an extra guy.. you could come, too." He gazed into my eyes hopefully, realizing how awkward it would be if I said no. Or yes.

"That is– um, if you want.."

How could I say no to those sweet brown puppy eyes? Plus, I loved baseball and I'd been dying to do something other than what my mother would approve of.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" I frowned. "If your friend's don't act like such jerks, I mean."

He smiled at my reply, seeming completely surprised I actually accepted his offer.

"Don't worry. They're not as bad as they.. seem. I guess. They're pretty cool guys once you know em."

"Ready!" Scotty said, running past me and out the door.

"What took you so long, Smalls?"

"My hat," he said, holding it up before placing it on his head. "I couldn't find it."

Benny nodded, still waiting for me on the porch. "Your sister is coming, too," he informed Scotty who had already ran to the sidewalk.

"She is?" Scotty asked, turning back to question me.

"Yeah-" Benny and I both replied in unison.

Scotty stared at me, in contemplation. He seemed half relieved, and half annoyed.

Benny adjusted his Dogder's hat, looking at me again.

"Wait a minute– I've been meaning to ask. What's your name, again?"


He smiled at me. "I'm Benny."

"Yeah. I mean, we sorta, uh. met. Yesterday."

He nodded, grinning at my gibberish. "I remember."

I quickly changed from my school clothes into my jeans and baseball hat. Then I grabbed my mitt and we were on our way.

✱ ✱ ✱ ✱

Back at the lot, Scotty and I weren't exactly given a warm welcome.

"Hey, look! It's Shorty again!"

"Yeah, Smalls!"

"Wait– what's she doing here?"

They boys all offered their share of commentary before Benny hushed them all.

"Oh come on. You all know we could use some extra guys," he said.

Guys? I mean, sure I call everyone a guy, but it just sounded different, coming from.. well. A guy.

"And the girl?" Squints asked.

I cringed. I didn't want to just be "the girl."

"Yeah," Benny said. "Her name's Shaye," he said, looking at me.

"Hey," I waved, awkwardly grinning at everyone.

I nudged Scotty and he looked around, too. "Hi," he offered, meekly.

Some of the guys said "Hey" in reply – the others scrunched their noses and just stared at my brother and I.

"We can't let a girl play," said a short boy, sneering.

"No girls," said a shorter one, stepping out from behind the first.

"Guys," Benny pleaded with his eyes. "Come on." He looked at Ham, who had still said nothing. Everyone's eyes followed Benny's gaze and Ham grumbled something incomprehensible.

"What?" asked Squints.

"I said 'what the hell.' The girl can catch. Smalls though? I don't know.."

"–we'll teach him," Benny finished. "If none of you want to, I will."

The boys whispered amongst themselves, nodding, mostly agreeing with Benny now that Ham had also approved of Scotty and I's addition to the team.

Well, the team-like thing. Group. Club. Gang. Whatever.

The kid with the quiff spoke up. "Okay. We've come to the consensus that she's a girl, so she's like kind of a player, and Smalls is like, hardly one. So together, they kinda add up to one person, ya know?"


Everyone nodded. "Yeah."

That's great. Hey, at least now I'm the underdog. Everyone loves an underdog, right? Wether they ended up liking me or not, I'd show them. Scotty and I both.

And that was it. We were in.. I thought.

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I'd been waiting 5 years to play a game of catch with someone– anyone good– besides Bill.

Bill was out of the question.

𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒘𝒐 | b. rodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now