the carnival

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We were all walking on air the day we stripped the Tiger's of their stripes. Evening came, and we decided to meet up at the Valley Carnival.

"Scott, come on!" I called from outside the front door. "Benny's waiting for us!"

"Yeah, come on Smalls," Benny called, startling me from behind. I lost my balance on my front step and nearly fell, but Benny steadied me from behind, his fingers gently holding my waist. I chuckled nervously when I turned to face him. "Jeeze, Ben, you scared me."

He grinned, amber eyes warming as they met mine. "I know."

Scott finally came out the front door and both Benny and I started walking towards the Carnival in stride. We were meeting the rest of the gang for a night of celebration.

"Guys, why're ya walking so fast?" Scott questioned.

"You were taking ages, Smalls," Benny teased. "We have to walk fast to make up for lost time."

As we were walking, I noticed that Benny looked different.

"I've never seen you wear that before," I pointed, gesturing to Benny's jacket. He wore a clean yellow shirt underneath it. Most of the clothes I'd seen him wear had dust stains from the Sandlot, or tears from sliding onto bases.

Benny seemed to blush a little, and he turned away before acknowledging my observation. "I wanted to dress for the occasion," he explained. "By the way, you smell..?"

"I smell?"

Oh no. I knew I shouldn't have tried out that perfume mom had gotten me years ago. Why'd I think tonight–

"–No, no," Benny stammered. "I didn't get to finish. You smell, nice."

I felt my cheeks flush now, embarrassed I'd had such a strong care-taking to what Benny thought.

"Oh.. Wait a sec – how do I usually smell?"

Benny's face flushed deep scarlet, from his chin to his forehead, ear to ear. "Oh Gosh."

"Hmm?" I pushed, literally. I actually pushed his shoulder.

"You smell fine, I guess. I-I dunno," he rambled, embarrassedly. You want me to admit I just walk around smelling you?"


"Oh God. No. I mean- Jesus, I hang around with a bunch of smelly guys all day, and I've noticed you smell nice. I'm not a people-sniffer – whatever the hell that is.."

I cracked up laughing at his awkwardness, and it occurred to me that maybe he just liked me cause I was the only human he'd ever spent time with who doesn't smell on a regular basis – besides his mother. Oh no.

Scott caught up. He wore a clean, and freshly ironed button up that our mom had picked out for him before we moved. He wore unstained khakis, like Benny.

"Don't it kinda feel like we're going to church," he thought aloud.

Benny and glanced at each other, and then smiled at Scott. "Yeah, I guess," I agreed.

I was wearing some shorts, and a white lace top, with my hair down for once. And my trusty chucks, of course. I put on a silver bracelet that my dad had gotten me when I turned ten.

𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒘𝒐 | b. rodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now